This made me like Ember a lot more. She clearly doesn't have much friends and she is trying her best...

This made me like Ember a lot more. She clearly doesn't have much friends and she is trying her best. Never found her attractive but she is a genuine qt

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Isnt she frens with asuka?


Hell to the know. Her face is hideous just like most of them.

>hell to the know
Based retard boomer.

Fuck did her smell run everyone else out?


What's that white stuff around their drinks?

based underage neet

crushed up molly


dried frog semen

arriba arriba!

petrified tears of applebees employees

They're actually doing Table For 3 at cool restaurants now instead of those lame ass fancy dumps??

I know where I wanna see Kyle O'Reilly, Teddy Hart, and Randy Orton eat...

Attached: paddys-dollars-its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-67b469442928954b_large.jpg (432x287, 152K)

I never liked wrestling godess Athena until she got called up to the majors and became Ember Moon


Didnt she rant on instagram saying having shit stains on your underwear/briefs just means you're a hard worker or some shit


Are you a literal boomer?

You can't have a real connection with someone who doesn't speak your language

Fuck this made me want Applebee's

Is Braun looking at tiddies or the food?

You tell me.

Attached: alexa-bliss-braun-strowman-strangeness.jpg (727x445, 39K)

Braun is shoot gay.

God I wanna breed ember so bad, I bet her thighs are warm

Wrestlers are social outcast

i haven't had a job in well over the last six years, but going by those standards i am the hardest worker in the game

Based neet


Shh... they might call you a boomer.

Say you like "Pop Up Restaurants" - the zoomerheads love that hipster shit!

Attached: tide-pod-pop-up-restaurant-tide-pod-po-boy-kobe-slider-49352064.png (500x777, 185K)

failed meme

This, Braun is clearly still in the closet.

i wouldn't mind, being a boomer is based

He had his Tinder account leaked, m8.

Is this Table for 3? They turned it into an Applebee's commercial?

>I watched this advert which is specifically designed to appeal to my demographic and make the people contained within appear to have more human or relatable personalities which will cause me to support them more and buy merch/watch tv/and most importantly make threads on social media promoting the company and it made me like Ember a lot more
you got worked

Ember always comes across as fun, dorky and genuinely likeable in interviews. I hope she has a long and fulfilling life.


retard cringe