why do girls do this?
Why do girls do this?
They don't..
What do you mean? She's clearly doing it..
That's not a girl. Also I'm curious how many "boyfriends" you had in the past.
You're the first one.
I kinda knew you'd say that. But I'm not your boyfriend and I'm not in love with you.
Is that why you asked
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
No, I was just curious cause you seemed obsessed with traps lately.
no you were just making conversation(again)
Implying there's anything wrong with that.
do you have any sex toys
What do you think?
Also can you link me your youtube account?
howe many
I've got none. I only bought a pair of programming socks almost 2 years ago and that's it.
psh you're boring
yet you still reply to me.
only because if I stopped you'd get sad
I might but I'd get over it pretty fast.
I'm used to being ignored after all.
why not get used to having friends
Because I'm afraid of it even though I crave it.
I'll be ur fren
You only want me to be your girlfriend(male).
What makes you think that?
Everything you've said to me so far and all of your actions. Besides I don't want to make friends with a drug addict.
good night then
Sleep well.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
So basically you reveal your flamboyant homosexuality and got rejected in the same thread, geeez I've never seen that
why don't you two just become friends and move on,you guys clearly would go good together
sounds like your jealous you no get to ride on the catfish friendship express
I can't stand fat drug addicts and I'm not gay.
you are gay though and you drank a drug like 15 minutes ago.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I don't drink coffee.
you drink tea though
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Rarely, usually when I'm sick.
Other than water, I drink milk when I make my protein shake.
"protein shake" yeah I know all about that.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
how much $ for a banana shake with special "fortune" protein in it?
ask your dad
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I want boyfriend aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
did someone get banned for being mean to fortune >
and he wasn't being mean, he gave you a horny compliment