be honest. who/what is causing the ratings to skyrocket?
Be honest. who/what is causing the ratings to skyrocket?
Other urls found in this thread:
The queen Charlotte Flair
Summerslam dumbass
It’s the flippy midget....
Kairi Sane being back on TV. Just wait until next week, the ratings will plummet again after what Vince pulled on RAW. Fuck you Vince.
Buddy Murphy drawing in the dimes
Mexicans unironically love the Fiend
I tuned in out of morbid curiosity, doubling the ratings.
the GOAT Randy Orton
Lexi is the cause of all good things
Better booking in general and matches have actually started to be given time to develop and get people over. idk if that's the influence of Heyman/Bischoff or just other people internally but whoever it is, the show has been noticably better over the last couple of weeks.
must we tell you every time it happens
They are giving hooks to people to want to watch next week. Next Monday they are bringing back King of the Ring for RAW, and Smackdown has the "whodunnit" angle with Reigns and Daniel Bryan that ended on a cliffhanger. Its reasons to want to watch. Same with announced gauntlet matches, title matches, etc. There's more reasons to watch the weekly television. I think stuff like this has helped them keep viewers they get in the first hour, because people want to watch to see what happens.
Is WWE really better lately? I'm considering watching it if Gargano comes up, but I quit 8 months ago because 80% of the show was torture to sit through for me.
You mean that's not a dirt bike racer?
The fiend and the Roman mystery angle unironically
>didn't reach Raw Reunion ratings
It was post Summerslam you goddamn fucking RETARDS, its going to drop next week even if they fucking put on a 10/10 show.
Not really.
Seething drone
Lol, your Japanese indy fed gets lower ratings than 10-year-old cartoons.
Atleast its watched by people that ar under the age of 60 you geriatic faggot
I've noticed literally no change.
Weeaboo seething
Actual storyline in quite awhile.
Rent's due
Where’s “well this time last year” user to BTFO this drooling lardass?
It's the same cringy shit
because real sports are overrun with anti-american sjw's.
It's not watched by anyone tho.
post major ppvs do well because they usually shoot big angles (they didnt this time so they won't keep any of it)
also football season is in less than 3 weeks
they're gonna get record low ratings very soon
Are ratings really up?
>Average 2018 RAW rating - 2,829,940
>Average 2019 RAW rating - 2,516,440 (so far)
>Average 2018 Smackdown rating - 2,353,469
>Average 2019 Smackdown rating - 2,056,375 (so far)