What don't you like most about WWE?

What don't you like most about WWE?
>"and it is for the RAW womens championship "

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The beginning until the end

Right now? Just Kofi and the new gay

>Gay day
>way too much womeme "wrestling"
>Vince trying desperately to put over Sethetty
>brand split

everything being so heavily scripted. just tell them the direction the story is going in, give them a live mic and let them sink or swim. the true talent flourishes, the shitters hang themselves on live tv. all your problems solve themselves.

Kevin Dunn. I legit get headaches sometimes because of that beaver face fucker.

The way they bury new talent. At this point i'm not hoping anyone I like from NXT gets called up. Everyone who has gotten called up has been dumpstered by vince and creative. Don't even get me started on what they did to Asuka.

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Scripted promos and the fact that almost every promo is delivered poorly or written like shit.
Promos used to be like 70% of the appeal of wrestling.

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RAW is three hours long, some PPVs are five hours long.

You incels are so lucky SJW culture protects you. Years ago you little losers would all be called out for the beta, failed male, faggots you actually are. Be lucky

>wrestler #1 enters ring
>talks for 5 minutes
>wrestler #2 comes out to ramp
>talks at wrestler #1 for 5 minutes
>"a match was made during the commercial break"

>here comes the moneeeeeey

This is why I haven't watched a weekly show since Wrestlemania.

Where did the Seth push even come from. Suddenly they're forcing him as much as they did Roman

How are we supposed to care about any match, when they're seemingly just made up on the spot and mean nothing. How is the show even run in kayfabe, do they just start the show and then hope that somebody picks a fight with somebody since they never seem to have any actual plans

Too scripted, overproduced, boring matches, god awful creative

>Vince's senility affecting everything
>Short term booking
>Face Rollins
>Kofi's run
>New Day gotten extremely stale
>Reigns restarting burial mode
>Over scripted everything
>Vince rewriting everything so the end result is a nonsensical mess that doesn't flow

They only bury shitters

Atleast roman looks like he can beat someone up meanwhile seth just looks like some skinny fag who can get his beat by any 5'7 regular nigger.

the commentary. it makes me not even want to check out youtube clips.

Well, for years people shat on Roman because he was apparently a shit wrestler and didn't deserve it as he lacked indy cred. So now they're pushing a good wrestler who has indy cred from being a former ROH world champ, and lo and behold, the smarks are shitting on it.

I gather that the original plan was to have 1 shield guy on each show as the main draw, to Seth's credit he was handed shit material but he's a shit actor who's unlikeable as a face, his formulaic wrestling is good but it's not as flashy as traditional top guys like Roman etc so even his ring ability has gotten turned stale.

It's funny because Roman is unironically more entertaining to watch in the ring than Seth now.
Relying on fliprate to get you over is insanely hard to sustain and you should probably improve in other talents aswell, Seth hasn't improved since the start of his heel run.

Seth Bugman and Whofi Nigston