Why is she stuck in the mid-card? What does a female superstar have to do to grab the brass ring these days?

Why is she stuck in the mid-card? What does a female superstar have to do to grab the brass ring these days?

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Her videos would all be 5 star matches if it weren't for her husband's shitty green shamrock tattoo.

>All the good workers do incest shit

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Incest is based


whom is this semon demon?

Who is she?

Because 9/10 of her videos are POV and I hate that shit.

>goes over Fyretty clean

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>I can't imagine what it's like to have sex

Your brain is wrecked.

GOAT (need to take some dicks tho)

POV is the best brother Mompov one of the goats


Nice pit


Lady Fyre. Produces some kino shit on Pornhub. Started off with just her husband and her, eventually got small time porn stars for threesomes and foursomes, and now she's booking bigger name porn stars. It's all POV too with no guy talking.

I feel like mompov is starting to go downhill in booking quality women. They need to do a round two of that Jlo doppelganger.

Her impregnate your aunt video is my second favourite porn of all time

Sometimes I like the more homely looking ones but that one you’re talking about was dimes

Knew i recognized her somewhere.
Atleast hers arent total dogshit and have a bit of acting to them.

She's basically Undertaker since her first kid. Her new videos, when they do happen, are pathetic.

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>that nurse video with cali carter
****** a truly shocking ending

Needs to do more foot stuff



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