The Road to AEW All Out - Episode 05


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It's shit.

take this cringe ass shit back to /wooo/

t. friendless dicklet

good shit with Kenny

Kenny's particular style of promo will make him an absolute star, such a comfy and convincing voice, even his mannerism screams confidence. I think he is goin to lose and start rebuilding himself on tv and finally reach the title.

Faggot, he sounds like such a dramatic loser.

Cringe. First one I've watched, this shit is absolute garbage.

Aewtists need their own containment board. How bout /fag/? Is that taken? Make it happen Mods.


I agree. Fuck the boomers that want every wrestler to scream at the camera like in the 80's.

Kenny’s redemption arc should be kino. The idea that he bet on himself with AEW instead of staying in Japan or going to WWE, but then fails is a good story.


Boomers in your head rent free

based dustin

Betting on himself would've been going to WWE which is the one place he had no certainty of being booked prominently, where he'd have a cast of fans unaware of him.
NJPW he was already successful and AEW's fan-base are all already his fans.

Yea he's really unique. He's dramatic and wrestle promo-y but he's believable. And like the other user said, just like everything with Kenny it's not all a throwback.

I want AEW to go the NJPW faction route and for Cody, Kenny and the Bucks to each all set up separate competing factions.

Yeah but you could say he had his entire career riding on the success of AEW. He was brought in as their top star, but continues to fail to live up to his massive amount of hype and that’s all his fault. In kayfabe (and real life really) if he failed in WWE he could blame it on the people in charge, whereas in AEW he is one of the people in charge, so his failure is all on him.

>Best Friends in the thumbnail
thats a nope from me

I'm going to watch Kenny's promo to discern whether or not it's cringe and it better not be cringe you aewtist faggot
Sifting through the timeline to Kenny I'm seeing a LOT of cringe like Hangmeme Page, Best Friendetties and 10man.
>my best performances always came from behind
Glad he's coming out of the closet officially.
Was boring as fuck, very cookie-cutter and his delivery was bland. He has no dramatic flair and all his choice of wording is standard.
It's a cringe from me.

I’m pretty sure Cody is going to have his own stable. He isn’t wrestled with The Elite yet in AEW and they seem to be making a point about it. I’m pretty sure Cody’s faction will be called ‘The Nightmare Family’.

He should do asmr

Weak bait, friendo. Here’s a (you) for your efforts.

Kenny as face faction, Cody as plucky tweener faction, Jericho forms his own Bullet Club style heel faction. It could work.

ya seethe tranny?

Yeah I agree. Factions are one of the best parts about NJPW. They need to copy more of what NJPW does. Starting with NJPWs kino camera work.

>>my best performances always came from behind
>Glad he's coming out of the closet officially.

Yeah, when he's not doing his wacky voice and is nowhere near the young bucks he comes across like a star. Hopefully he just stays away from them.
Looking forward to classic AJPW booking of building the top star by having them lose to everyone and then climb back up.

this, that's why he has such a huge female fanbase too. I am getting tired of ragetards like cry who can't cut a promo without spitting their lungs.
and it fits his character too, he is supposed to be this class act, absolute artist and entertainer. the character is complete
inb4 "rehhhhh why he not screaming rehh"

You're trying too hard

Factions are prevalent in NJPW because of the schedule they work. With one big show a month they need to keep the rest of the roster busy and building feuds in mixed tag matches which means you need teams which means you need factions. AEW doesn't work that way.

You're seething too hard

Kenny needs to go back to being heel. This "I'm a nice guy and I like wrestling and like my friends" shit worked for chasing the IWGP title when he was babyface underdog of the century against Okada but it makes no sense in this company.

Attached: kenny g1 2016.jpg (1296x729, 262K)

>that's why he has such a huge female fanbase too
He has one because he's a ripped gaijin with a built in fujoshi angle with Kota. Not because of his promos, ya retard
>inb4 "rehhhhh why he not screaming rehh"
You can be interesting without screaming. Screaming and being able to raise your voice while controlling your intonation is a strength, though.
It's a shame Kenny can't promo with or without the screaming.

That's to do with the format of the show and the stories they tell, which is reflective of the culture. American culture is very much about individuals whereas Asian nations are culturally community sorts of places where everyone contributes. Narratives that work in Japan through factions will generally not mesh with a casual American audience who are looking for a main character and not groups of guys doing their part.
But if they could make it work it would be based.

nah i think he's a natural face, his cleaner schtick felt so forced. he's a friendly comedy goofball at heart.

Kenny will never be a heel again because the retarded Western fanbase will root for his epic work-rate. His character from now on will be "guy who wants to beat you but also have a good match".
RIP Kenny

You're speaking out of your ass because Okada's literally the centralized MC of NJPW and he draws big. Tanahashi is only part of what is effectively an informal faction and he draws big.
Factions exist to provide storyline impetus and give them ready excuses to form multi-man matches. Nothing culturally ingrained like you try to imply.

Holy shit that gut on Dustin. Motherfucker finally got his big contract and he's still lazy.

I don't think they are going to have him lose against everyone since he is one of their draws ( and he already won some matches) but he will lose against moxley and then the elite team will lose against jericho on the first show. think about it, in two historic moments the first ever ppv and the first tv taping he lose in the main event. that's a massive hit. the man is down since it just feels like he can't click against the high calibers anymore.
from then he part himself from the elite and you do the classic shonen booking brother, redemption arc and chase are the best way to establish ultimate babyface.

>Nothing culturally ingrained like you try to imply.
Shut the fuck up, retard. Almost every single Japanese promotion is made out of factions and the narratives are built around that. Wrestling is a narrative medium, ya dingbat.
Just because Okada is the poster boy doesn't equate to him being a standout protag like an American style product has. Look at the focus and time spent on Okada per show, compare that to the time given to Hogan, Austin, Cena, Rock, every TNA main act, so on and so forth. The Maerican lead character is a superhero who has prominent focus. Okada or any other Japan ace just wins more often than the other top guys, he doesn't get excessive focus. In Japan there are no out and out jobbers who get no time like in the US because of this cultural shit. Everyone does their part. Grow a brain, read a book, never reply to me again; you're not smart enough. I don't understand why people like you obsess over wrestling when you don't even understand it.
Yeah, but losing to Jericho and Moxley is effectively losing to everyone in AEW because no one else on the roster has established main event credibility.

Meanwhile Hangman Page is literally putting people to sleep.

kek look at this fuming brainlet

This but unirronically


you give smarks a bad name

Cringe. Hopefully they do away with these boomer wrestling tropes.

Holy shit look at this seethe because you jumped to a conclusion about a culture you don't quite grasp.
>doesn't equate to him being a standout protag like an American style product has. Look at the focus and time spent on Okada per show, compare that to the time given to Hogan, Austin, Cena, Rock
>comparing the amount of time attributed on shows with entirely different formats
>half of his examples shared the spotlight with eachother and others like Triple Simp and Carder
Look at the marketing, not the product. Okada's the most prominent. He is the poster boy, the protag. Stables aren't something engendered communally, simply a means to an end.
To that end, you could even say characters like the ones you mentioned are less centralized than Okada, because aside from tours others headline, which is down to their handling of championships and not singularity vs stables, he's ALWAYS the focus.
Your line of thinking is too shallow.

Yeah, I hope they do away with things that observable still draw in modern wrestling, too!
NJPW is one of the only companies that retains a dedication to characters in this regard, and they're the only one that has shown long-term meaningful growth.
The faces/heels/tweeners play off of eachother in inventive ways that define them during a match, but it all stems from the springboard of the existence of faces, heels and tweeners. Not muddied "competitors".
Boomers > (You)

>you are seething because you are right
Er, no ya dicklets.
you're too stupid. He is the poster boy, but he isn't made to look unbeatable strong like a western posterboy.
The factions are the way narratives work in Japan because they culturally operate as communities so it translates well. In the west we operate under the idea of a meritocracy where its every man for himself and every western story is the guy triumphing over adversity.
Look at every Japanese entertainment, the heroes are always a team; power rangers, naruto, one piece, Dragon ball. Yeah, there's a protagonist but he's part of the team. How are you struggling with this idea? And he always ends up relying on the rest of his team because everyone has their strengths and does their part and they can't win without the efforts of everyone.
Meanwhile in Burgerland Superman walks in and just wins outright.

>NJPW is one of the only companies that retains a dedication to characters in this regard, and they're the only one that has shown long-term meaningful growth.
Let me tell you how I know you started watching NJPW in the last 3 years and have never watched any other Japanese promotion regularly, never watching any Mexican promotion regularly, never watched any European promotion regularly and pretty much base everything off of wwe.

I wish Almas never got with Charles because he was for sure leaving at one point and he could’ve went to aew amd formed an American branch of Los Ingobernables faction

>I wish every promotion had the exact same thing in it!

Yea I do. Ya gotten to?

No, you're just retarded.

>Hangman Page so boring and generic he has to cut a promo on another promotion to not drive away the fans

the money was always in Kenny chasing Jericho, they'll have their 3rd match 6 months after the television debut

It's gonna be a ding-dong diddly heel armageddon at All Out. 10man has to win to make him legit, Jericho is taking the title, and Kenny is gonna sink down further before his chase.

>you're too stupid. He is the poster boy, but he isn't made to look unbeatable strong like a western posterboy.
Stopped reading here, lost cause.

Go on.

Nah Kenny is winning, especially since they """buried""" Mox at the end of the G1

Get real, dude.

Wait shit, nevermind, I read the rest of your post and it's actually laughably stupid so now I have to mock it.
> the heroes are always a team; power rangers, naruto, one piece, Dragon ball
Power rangers is a given.
Naruto was about Naruto fairly singularly when it came down to it and Sasuke was VERY secondary.
OP is the Luffy show.
DB was LITERALLY the fucking Goku show to the point where nobody else was relevant in the long-term pre-Super, after which it became the Goku show featuring Vegeta.
>Meanwhile in Burgerland Superman walks in and just wins outright.
Justice League/Avengers. Literally functions as more of a team than all your examples bar Power Rangers.
Your examples don't even hold up and the concept of a hero triumphing adversity is one that rings true ubiquitously in fiction. It's not a communal sense, you took one idea you had about a culture and ran with it with a bunch of examples that don't even hold up.

>Reuniting with Ibushi makes Kenny strong enough to defeat Okada and win the title.
>Ibushi is murdered by Ospreay in the opener of WK13 and stretchered out, Kenny is worried about Ibushi and it puts him off his game enough for Tanahashi to beat him.
>Kenny is ashamed of his loss to Tanahashi, leaves for AEW.
>Kenny doesn't ask Ibushi to come with him to AEW because he knows that it's Ibushi's chance to win the championship and become the leader of NJPW that he couldn't.
>Leaving Ibushi behind splits Kenny's focus even more, he's no longer the Best Bout Machine (he isn't introduced as such at DoN) and he loses to Jericho, failing to become the leader of AEW the same way he failed in NJPW.
>Now he has to build himself back up from the bottom, starting with Jon Moxley.
Yeah, I'm thinkin' it's kino.

Attached: kennyomegawk13.jpg (850x478, 57K)

>all this stuff NJPW did
>"oh and now at AEW he has to start from the bottom against another main eventer"

NJPW did the kino. AEW just tacked some bullshit on.

You're severely underrating how much of their story Kenny and Ibushi have done completely on their own without any contribution from the booker.


Yea, ya upset

Kenny needs to revert back to the Cleaner. This goody-too-shoes is stupid.

AEWTranny going straight to having that user's dick on his mind

That Kenny promo was fire.

The cleaner was forced on him and he hated it. Kenny is a natural babyface. Move on

I think he liked cosplaying as the Terminator but besides that, yeah, he always wanted to be the Best Bout Machine.

You are so stupid, holy shit.
>they do narratives based on communities and groups instead of having singular one against all narratives that are the norm here
>"what is word narrative? There is main character in show so you wrong! Avengers is real team, not like actual plots based around grog ps of people!"
The Avengers is literally when they do cross over issues with a bunch of singular characters. You could have gone with xmen and been almost no a retard but the narratives in xmen aren't everyone doing their best, it's mostly the main xmen getting solo focus and then they fight as a team because western narratives aren't group focused. And even then that's only one example with you completely missing the point because you don't understand what a story is.

>natural babyface
>intentionally talks like an anime villain 100% of his promos

>The Avengers is literally when they do cross over issues with a bunch of singular characters.

And it was the communal cross-over aspect that drew the most money in cinemas ya brainlet. What compelled people the most was still the narrative of a group event with each character getting their share of spotlight and no truly centralized hero.

>And even then that's only one example
It's three, since you kindly provided X-Men. Versus your one example because you thought, DB, One Piece and Naruto were stories centred around a group.
No shonen stories are centered around a group, and shonen is probably the most prevailing media in Japan.
Hell, even Tokusentai is all about one hero. Kamen Rider is just one guy, not a team. Sailor Moon is just Sailor Moon and her accessories. There're so many examples in Japanese media some of which you yourself asserted that are all based around one hero that function as what you perceive to be "Western style stories" it's a waste of time to rattle them off but suffice to say they shake your notion that there's some inherent bias toward groups.

They really need to push the Best Friends' personalities more. They're really fun.

FPBP. I can't believe I watched more than a minute of this tripe.

Sammy Guevara's latest video has what looks like a commercial for TNT for All Out in the middle of it.


Oh, not a guy who you are arguing but I have to say, you got fucking jobbed out to that knowledgable user. Like reeeeeeal bad. I hope you feel bad. Will you neck yourself?
or go shoot up a school?
