>buddy wasnt even intended to be part of the roman storyline and only got put in because he was accidentally in the shot
>buddy would still be without a main roster match if it hadnt been for that accident
Buddy wasnt even intended to be part of the roman storyline and only got put in because he was accidentally in the shot
I don't watch WWE, so I don't care.
Bryan Alvarez said that was the case on Wrestling Observer Live (I imagine he and meltzer will discuss it on WOR tonight)
Hes way too involved for it to have been accidental. If it was they would have just ignored him.
I like unscripted moments like that becoming a part of the storyline. Make a production botch, eh, roll with it, make it part of the story. Good stuff.
So, no source, then?
So was Mustafa Ali's injury just a work and Kofi was always supposed to be in that gauntlet?
>replacing a guy that gets injured in a match is similar to a guy happening to be in a camera shot that didn't even show his face
that's pretty funny if true.
a bit sad they didn't decide to push Buddy themselves, i thought things are finally looking up for the young talent
>accidentally in the shot
>it was a pre-taped segment
pick one
Imagine if buddy becomes a actual star lmao
That's a step up fron WCW jobber steve
Imo they could legit have a Daniel Bryan situation with him but they're too dumb to make it work
look closely
you can see men in black pushing boxes twice or three times (and i doubt they intended it)
they probably didn't have a lot of time, due to Vince rewriting the whole f'n thing 5 minutes prior to the start
Reminds me of prime TNA, tbhonest
he's just saying that because he knows smarks like buddy and they don't want them to like the wwe for putting him in a angle with roman
>but they're too dumb to make it work
Let me lay it out for you.
Step 1) Guy is really good. But gets underused. has a small base of support as a result
Step 2) Finally gets used but gets punked out. Gets support base fired up - just check every tweet about the Roman Buddy match before Smack, full of people bitching that they better not bury him.
Step 3) Has a great match that shows even more people how great he is while also establishing him as being able to hang with main eventers to keep him credible. Support base grows.
Step 4) Support base gets outraged again when Bryan and Rowan punk him out and will campaign for him more.
Step 5) Turn him face in another starmaking performance vs Bryan
Step 6) Print money
>Let me lay it out for you.
>they tell eat Owens eat to bring him up
Yea bro total accident
Yo I think you need to add that promo they had Kevin Owens namedrop him in to your list of steps
If it was planned they would've hammered it home immediately, instead they didnt mention it until like 3 weeks later
He had the locker room segment with Roman on Smackdown last week.
The shit fell on Roman the Smackdown before that.
Your sense of time is fucked up lol
What a load of shit.
Shit you're right
Regardless with the way WWE handles this kind of shit (especially with how bad that first angle was shot) I would expect the commentator to go
at the end and Michael Cole to bring it up on the recap on raw. Its certainly possible it was planned but given reporters are saying it wasn't and they didnt play it up like it was planned leads me to believe it was an accident
He was a literal who, why would commentary react like that lol no one would have given a shit. Then they followed up the very next week. If it was an accident they would have just ignored him being there
Vince changes his mind every 30 minutes, he probably decided to put buddy in at the last minute
They also had Kevin Owens name drop him last month as one of the underused wretlers now he's in a major storyline this month. There's nothing accidental about it and Alvarez has never broken a scoop.
I don't listen to WOR, so I don't give a shit.
did he raped you?
Kill yourself you 11.99 WOR fag
beggin ya to elucidate
>Bryan Alvarez said