Cornette isn't base

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Cornette is a fucking miserable old cunt.

I really look forward to his death

Cornettes literally doing the same thing with kenny

>Wahhhh stop reporting on my fake sport!
Cornetty is such a fucking shitter, he thinks it's the 80s still

How does this cringe old man have fans?

Based Corney. Still working the marks after all these years

It used to be funny now it's just sad.

Is it a shoot or a work though?

rent free

Cornette is a legit retard. He had acid reflux problems for years, and didn't clue in to the fact it was because he was drinking 12 cans of Sprite per day.

Cornette is right this guy is just trying to get a rub from trolling Cornette because he is a social media whore numale faggot and so are you for crossposting social media here so you both can go fucking kill yourselves.

It never was funny

>not knowing that he does it because it's a work
The absolute state of marks. Bet you think the iron sheik is legit insane too?

Based. Fuck Satin


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Based Cornette. Makes the flippy dippy numales seethe. Everyone is such a passive aggressive bitch, "um sweetums can we not? Can u just calm down please?" Man the fuck up and fire back. Wrestling has no personality anymore

it was Pepsi. He switched to Sprite because of it.

He worked himself into a shoot years ago.

I think Cornette is a sperg but he's right about Satin.

i hate old people and i fucking hate white old people

>I hate old people
>and i fucking hate white old people
Holy based

I can't wait for MLW to fail because of this boomer shitter. The only reason it's even watchable is because of Selena de la Renta.

Wrong. Worked the marks into a shoot.
He doesn't even hate Russo as much as he claims. Everything he does is a work to draw attention and make him more money

...who is usually right on the money with what he says about wrestling

It will. Everything he touches turns to shit

Normally I dislike Cornette, but I hate that Ryan Satin faggot so much more.

I like Cornette, but he's a fake tough guy

You know why Cornette can threaten guys who could have probably kicked his ass even when they were the same age? Because he has balls and they don't. If some manager in his 50s or 60s threatened to shoot beat the fuck out of one of the boys 20 years ago he would have gotten stuffed in a locker. Now we have grown men who are fucking afraid of a guy who was out of shape before they were even born and letting him punk them out. I would honestly even put money on Corny against some of these faggots just because he has actually struck another human being in anger and wouldn't meekly shuffle away if someone went for the first punch.

I hate this new idea in society that somehow being like that is a manly virtue. I don't think it makes you cool to be an aggressive dickhead to people and say "well you wanna fuck go?? huh bro? you wanna fuckin go??" when people call you out. However its probably more uncool to let someone do that to you and not just beat the fuck out of them or get your ass kicked trying. All it does it let people who are aggressive walk over literally everyone, just like you see Cornette doing to the entire indy scene.

He actually did slap the dogshit out of Santino. What did Santino get back at him with, trying to pick a fight with him at a convention where Cornette is a name draw and he isn't?

Shut the fuck up boomer.

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Fuck Lyin Rattin

Based Corny still working the marks

Tbf an old man talking about how he’s got to beat somebody up is cringe as fuck. Notice how there aren’t even any stories about Jim being a touch guy.


Based as duck

...d. imagine getting worked into a seethe by a ryan satin of all people.

It was Pepsi. He had to go to emergency one day because he thought he was having a heart attack.
TNM 6.2 taught me that.

t. Ryan Stain

Satin is a parasite of the highest order. I know what he was trying to do even without reading that this is about.