My dad told me to get a job and move out of the house and then hit me in the mouth

my dad told me to get a job and move out of the house and then hit me in the mouth

i told mom dad hit me and she said quit playing video games and watching chinese cartoons and then she choked me

what do i do?

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Commit neck rope

as mean as dey were u problely shud focus on gettign a jorb n mobing out, fren. u shud b independents!

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>she choked me


if they r rly being so mean i guess it is time for u to get a job an move out an then u can watch animes in ur own home

create a compromise so u can save monies at least.

Ask if it would be okay if you got a part time to help out allowing you to stay and save money for your own place, or towards something else.

Idk, I would try it, nothing to lose at this point. they don't want you homeless, * i hope.

she didnt ask for advice

Become high class hooker and make them proud with your earning potential.

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call the blops

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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if you've had an upbringing like that then you're likely in no condition mentally to begin an independent adult life, even if you're overdue to do so in terms of age. since it sounds like you're probably too old for foster care, you should enroll in a domestic abuse shelter. once you're in their care, you should also take your parents to court. they can be criminally charged with assault and you may be entitled to payment of damages, which you can put toward therapy, psychiatric treatment, and/or establishing solid ground to start from as an independent adult.

This is the only true answer

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mfw has best answer.

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also, even if you don't want to take your parents to court because you love them, or because you still feel the effects of their abuse and you're scared and don't think you have the right, let me make it easier for you: getting your justice for what they've done to you is not just your entitlement, it's your civic duty. they are violent and dangerous people, and for the sake of society, they must be contained. if you forgive them without taking your justice, you're putting other lives in danger at their hands.


Honestly? Normally I look at threads like this and just feel disgusted. You sicken me. There's something about your existence that's... I don't know. Maybe it hits too close to home. I'm here for escapism, not reality. You're talking about that real shit. I mean, you're in an abusive family. If your parents are physically harming you, then you are in a bad place. I was in a bad place too, and I'm out of it now, and I hate thinking about that bad place. I guess you remind me of the bad place. I wish I wasn't such a fucking asshole and that I could help you out of the bad place, but really I just get mad that you remind me of the bad place. I honestly don't know how to help you either. Which is frustrating. Because people suffering is awful, and even though I don't know you, I doubt that you deserve to suffer in this way.

I guess!@ The only thing I have to say is, get the fuck out of there. Things suck everywhere else, but they suck less than when you're in that particular situation, usually. Just fucking go. There are so many people in the world that don't actually suck. You can find them. Get the fuck away from people that choke you and hit you. I was there, they're wrong. They'll never admit it though, you gotta get the fuck out of there.


I try to appease my parents by doing all their chores and paying them money, but normo parents can't fathom why you wouldn't want to wageslave away your entire existence even if they have so much money that they could retire and pay for both your and their own existence and your expenses would continue to be paid even after they die and you have crippling schizophrenia and autism and just want to work on your hobbies and exercise.

Tell them this is nice house no r00d allowed

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place sardine tacos into fryer at box n jack. drink booze.

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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Honestly? Normally I look at threads like this and just feel disgusted. You sicken me. There's something about your existence that's... I don't know. Maybe it hits too close to home. I'm here for escapism, not reality. You're talking about that real shit. I mean, you're in an abusive family. If your parents are physically harming you, then you are in a bad place. I was in a bad place too, and I'm out of it now, and I hate thinking about that bad place. I guess you remind me of the bad place. I wish I wasn't such a fucking asshole and that I could help you out of the bad place, but really I just get mad that you remind me of the bad place. I honestly don't know how to help you either. Which is frustrating. Because people suffering is awful, and even though I don't know you, I doubt that you deserve to suffer in this way.

I guess!@ The only thing I have to say is, get the fuck out of there. Things suck everywhere else, but they suck less than when you're in that particular situation, usually. Just fucking go. There are so many people in the world that don't actually suck. You can find them. Get the fuck away from people that choke you and hit you. I was there, they're wrong. They'll never admit it though, you gotta get the fuck out of there.


stop burdening your parents you little shit.