Is it 9pm est yet brothers?

Is it 9pm est yet brothers?

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3 more hours...

[hugs dandy]

Good doubles in my thread
I hug back the user ty fren

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2 hours and 38 minutes till 9pm

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Thanks fren
Where is the fuck off barny fag guy when you need em?

Attached: Johan.Andersen.full.2040003.jpg (480x640, 510K)

s4s is pony boarde now

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idk here it's 20:28

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Only 2 more hours ~
Thats not semen its just lotion

an blitjhh

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weed trips
fuck you

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Not me when I get home I'm not a smelly cave dwelling weeb girl. I'm a boi and keep my seld tidied up
You yell em ma brother, you tell em

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so rude

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The one you said fuck u to hah
Your point?

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your so aggressive recently

idk but ok

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You aren't even a faggot cuse you post pony shit, your just shit cuse you upload 6kb images. Why in the hell would anyone save it like that?
Would being a fake niceposter suit your fancy?

Attached: Johan.Andersen.full.1519765.jpg (620x600, 117K)

Just ok.

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Thats not how the humam jaw works man

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not human
it's 2d anine jaw

Attached: Dus43VeU0AAEvOi.png (506x798, 127K)

Even 2D anime jaws should somewhat be bound to reality unless breaking the readers reality was the point

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This is a 2d anine girl and her eyes are not bound to reality and it's ok
And I didnt even mentioned monster girls and other stuff

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Anine girls can break reality because making them in the first place just makes no sense. Anine guys on the other hand are confined to reality cause it makes sense someone would want to see him!

lets say you're right

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While the eyes are in fact breaking a sense of reality they are still regular eyes just exaggerated to a degree like anime is going for. Sometimes even they draw normal sized eyes to lock us in a realistic scenario as well
Ma nigga

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I lobe the tophat cat

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Die you fucking Barneyfag

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That doesn't look like a smile, does this image make you feel better?

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Slightly, there's girls in this imagine doh..

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ten minuttese

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Only 8 minutes!

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Is this better Dandy?

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it is after 9
mission accomplished

Attached: yay-akko-sounds.jpg (480x554, 23K)

It has been 7 minutes since 9pm

fucking die in pain

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Yaaay works over, time for weed!!!!

never really got this argument

mlpfigs are obnoxious because they're furries (so, they're inherently a cancer), rather than mlp being for kids

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Die you fucking Barneyfag

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)
