>Shibata return: watched by 5000 cheetos eating obese smarks and another 10,000 nips
>Sasha return: watched by 2.73 million people
Weebs are forever delusional
Shibata return: watched by 5000 cheetos eating obese smarks and another 10,000 nips
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>Capeshit are the best movies because lots of people watch them
That’s how retarded you sound.
Ya fearing the end, E-drone?
The guy didn't say best he said bigger, Yes Marvel movies are bigger than call me by your name. Learn to read you ding-dong diddly braindeadlet
what's the matter, hit a raw nerve? Go take a walk ya seething kek
John has clearly never had sex.
Just because an album went platinum doesnt mean that artist doesnt suck, it just means 1 million people are stupid as fuck
Ya gotten too?
Capeshit actully draws doofus
don't bother with these deranged weebs, they're too far gone from rationality and will literally spin anything to defend and worship their spiritual yellow skin gods LMAO
Can't believe we finally see the day Yea Forumsies reveal themselves to be JAHHHHNNNN defenders kek
Nice cope weebs.
>woman's shit
>look at me im so cool and smart i don't like the things most people like because im a snowflake
One returned from self inflicted brain damage and blindness and the other returned from being a bitch and begging more talented wrestlers to lay with her in her bed of botches on Instagram
>boomer thinks more views = good
T-series is the greatest youtube page of all time then, huh old man?
another simp worked into a shoot and couldn't comprehend what was written
Woah woah woah it’s toshanshuinla with his fucking opinion! He must surely be a good judge of quality given that his girlfriend looks like a wet foot. His name must be a reference to some anime shit. But he must know about quality, look at his hair cut. What a ‘man’.
>Screencapping the tweet instead of quoting
What a massive coward John is.
And that garbage still draws 100x more than NJPWho wrestlers.
Feel sorry for your life. Hope things go better for you. Good luck.
He has a point. Banks loves Puro.
the point is what was bigger, and Bank's return objectively drew more it has nothing to do with what one loves or not. worked LMAO
The general public are fucking stupid. Anything that’s popular with them is shit.
>cause i'm thinking there's a non-zero chance she wouldn't
Who talks like this?
>It only took him 26 seconds to reply
Holy shit. Have sex.
excuse me are you misgendering our dear JAHHHNNNNNN? Ummm that's very problematic
When you put it that way, I respect Sasha more.
worked LMAO
>imagine marking out for a horse faced nigger that can barely wrestle her way out of a paper bag
go back
Nobody is going to remember Sasha returning because it's just going to lead to a nothing match. Plus, she left because she lost a fake belt.
Shibata died for our sins, and came back to a bigger pop than Sasha did.
nobody knows who is Shibata
damn i wish i had some poofy cheetos right now
>why does anyone care about Sasha? I have her with one of the lowest average star ratings in the entire tournament
Who is this shibata guy? Was he on the last snl or some relevant show?
nobody knows who Sasha is either
Do people still watch SNL though
some factory worker in bumfuck sendai
the state of his gf, she is one fucking ugly bitch. I bet her fanny is hairier than him
more people know Sasha than Shibata
>timmy reference in Yea Forums
a delightful surprise
You are a virgin, not sure why you are making fun of this jobber when you are an even bigger one.
Is that his GF? I thought he was a homosexual?
you post this guy every day, the definition of rent free
rent free doesnt work when we're laughing at him, not reeeeeeing at him ya nufag
seething at being exposed
wow its nothing after all. You Nu Japanlets are as droney as the e drones you make fun of LMAO
>I'm suppose to feel sorry about a guy who purposefully paralyzed himself
No. He's immoral.
Based Capeshit movies selling out even in your head
>nigger hot take on twitter
Why do I care?