Damn look at those curves

Damn look at those curves

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i wanna pound her fat ass like a jackhammer

She has a sad pear body.
I wanna do dirty and lewd things to it.

Has she had a couple kids?

Fatsuka tier gut and side flab pouring out everywhere

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DAILY REMINDER: MJF abused female wrestling superstar Allie Kat and made her homeless and living in her car while shooting up heroin and cutting herself

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Would You?

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Yikes at least keep your gouges in or get them fixed.

Imagine lubing it and fucking it


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That’s why he’s cool

buncha degenerates around here but she's a solid trashy waifu if she kept the goddamn gauges in

Based MJF. Works the heel gimmick like no other.

I didn't know females could reach this level of JUST.

>needing two belts to hold that gut in

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Those aren't curves, this bitch has lumps.

She looks like she stinks. This bitch needs to take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue.

curves = plural of curve.

one complete curve = circle

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>still fat

this bih is just straight up fat

I want her to shit on me

She fits my white trash fetish in all the right places

"my bad"

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MJF did what needed to be done.

I see great potential...

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If Renee never worked out or showered she would look like this

Plugs were the worst fad of the last decade.

for England, James

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She looks nuts and is def awesome in bed. Just don't go to sleep or she might cit your dick off.

God i wanna eat her fat ass

Fat but with small titties :(

Oh, she's just so smoking hot! God I would do things to her that ... she would probably laugh at. YOU BITCH!


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I'd fuck the shit out of allie kat and give her at most 3 days to get her shit together before she had to go OP

Based Pierce using his acting money to feed braphogs


Is she a good wrestler? Also how far can she go in the industry if her shrimp ex boyfriend has AEW cucked?

based as fuck

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She's an okay wrestler. The problem is she's shit at social networking. She does wrestling shows for indy promotions that don't draw. There are women out there like Shotzi Blackheart and Delilah Doom who know how to take advantage of social media. I remember at one point Allie Kat was begging for a promotion to book her.

obese tub of shit

lol based

she can wrestle with my BBC all day and all night long.