I'm watching shows from 2014 and the crowd is popping for Bad News Barrett like he's The Rock.
How fucking over was this guy and how did he fuck his career up?
I'm watching shows from 2014 and the crowd is popping for Bad News Barrett like he's The Rock.
How fucking over was this guy and how did he fuck his career up?
Short answer: Creative
Long Answer: Crrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaattttiiiivvvveeee
He should have stuck around, not pussied out. In a way he’s the Dean Ambrose of that time. Given a ton of focus, good storylines and gimmicks, and lots of TV time. But he was dumb and thought he “knew better” than Vince.
He’s disappeared completely since leaving WWE so what does that show you? He wasn’t really over, Vince’s ideas were over.
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Vince: Let's bury this guy
This was when it all went wrong
Got over on his own from a gimmick created on a YouTube show and Vince didn’t like it
Nigga can't stop getting injured
Not true. Vince gave him food storylines from day 1. He won NXT, he had Chris Jericho as a pro before Jericho decided to fuck his life up and go to AEW to play with those shitters like CAWdy and the Young Fuck-ups and Dean “hippocrite” Ambrose. Fuck AEW and fuck Jericho for throwing away a decades long career for a bunch of bullshit, holy fuck he looks so shitty now and I hate AEW so goddamn much
Yeah they gave him good storylines (Bad News, King Barrett, Cosmic King, Nexus leader, Corre Leader, King of the Ring winner, intercontinental title winner) and he did NOTHING with all that. Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Dean “shitty” Ambrose to me!!!
He was made of glass.
Fake news, he was given hundreds of chances by Vince and squandered them all. Then complained about WWE “wasting” him. The only waste is he, through him own fault.
he was getting cheered as a heel so vince killed him and also he was injured all the time
What do you want? For him to get the WWE title that early? The problem is that teaches guys that they are bigger than the WWE. They aren’t. Had he stuck around I’m sure he’d eventually get a good run.
He was boring in many ways, and his Bad News gimmick was good for a quick pop but doesn't carry over to long promos and matches which WWE relies on, and he never got pops like Dwayne, he was one of many fads at the time that WWE was actually good at making fads, but squandered them all like usual and ended up worse off than ever.
>Relying on matches
He got injured during pushes too many times, so they gave up pushing him. Why bother if he's going to get injured again on the upswing?
Yes actually. We would have had intrigue and an instant star. It doesn’t happen often, and would have made the nexus a threat.
>Bleak faggy lyrics tattoo
I wonder.
WWE basically told him to stop doing the "I got bad news for you" gimmick. Typical recent wwe, a guy started to get over that they did not want to get over. So they killed his push.
They did the same to Ryder and tried to do it with Bryan and Becky Lynch.
He got fed to Cena early on, which killed his main event chances, and then later got fed to Roman too.
At least he had a good mid card run
His bad news barrett gimmick was supposed to be some kind of Vince "punishment" for forgetting to shake Triple H's hand or something and Vince was SEETHING when it got over
he won KOTR and they made him wear a crown and he looked like a dork
>I'm watching shows from 2014
But why?
He got heat in at least two of those gimmicks. It doesn't matter if that heat wasn't channeled into something real.
A wrestler can only "do something" with a gimmick if he is booked to "do something"
I’ve done the same thing before. When you’re caught up on the current stuff it’s fun to pick a random year and marathon it over a week or 2.
He wrestled basically every week, the impetus is on him to get over at that point. Vince gave him amazing gimmicks and tons of TV time, do you want him to hold his hand, too? Fucking AEWtists don’t get it.
>food storylines
user, catering isn't a storyline
He did get over
Cringe normalfag dead meme
Do a neck flip manlet
White male = pushed down. Same as with Lunatic Cringe Ambrose. TV executives thought of Rollins and Reigns as "Hispanics" and non white hence their pushes. This was actuality real serious shit, just do 5 mins research, surprised you don't know, lots of news articles back in around that time.
wow seething edrone get a grip
You do realize, that if AEW prop their current manlet roster with sterons, making them all look like different height Goldbergs.. Theil kick the s*it out of WWE rating wise? They just hired that old WWE doctor and wellness guys a few weeks back remember?
Fuck off Colby, no one wants you shilling your shit company here
The guy was an injury prone
His bad news shtick was over like the yes chant
He was made of glass getting year long injuries all the time. Botching his own finisher so much they gave him a new one.
Orton has been suspended 4 times and gets injured every year, why would you depush someone because Jack shitter threw him into the wall and Dolph got thrown into his arm
Hope Elias is paying attention because this is his future
Dean was never given good storylines
>I'm watching shows from 2014
get a life. Christ Almighty.
>Given a ton of focus, good storylines and gimmicks, and lots of TV time
He wasn't given any of this post Nexus. They literally pulled him from TV because Bad News was getting too over.
It's funny though, I remember I had stopped watching wrestling for almost 10 years, and finally decided to get back into it when the Nexus came about. I started reading about Super Cena and all that shit, and didn't really believe it until I saw Barrett get literally buried under a pile of chairs.
Worked as fuck by based Mox, who ain't coming back btw.