Does anyone honestly expect Page to win?
Does anyone honestly expect Page to win?
yes because jericho is that kind of guy
>Flashback to Fandango vs Jericho at WM
That title is ugly as fuck unlike the beautiful WWE title
I really hope so, as it'll kill AEW off even quicker
The hateboner this board has for it (and wwe) is amazing
Probably because they're both trash
AEW is shaping up to be WWE lite, which I have no interest in whatsoever
user I tried telling you from the start.
It isn't "shaping up to be WWE lite", I was telling people here that it will be WWE. Because of people in charge of the company. It was obvious from the start, but for some reason, when people like fucking Bucks of all people were spewing that bullshit about "wins and losses and sportslike feel" some of you believed it and tried to meme about it, like it will fail.
And by making fun of it and saying how that will never work, you made yourself believe in it... like bunch of fucking retards, when it was apparent from the start, that it would just be another WWE.
How is it living in bizarro world
Besides the logo, the title is great, my favorite modern title besides NXT UK and IWGP Hebbiq belts
More belts should go for the 'staggered' look
Honestly I think they're hot-shotting the shit out of Page and it's gonna bite them in the ass. He doesn't feel like a main eventer yet. He needs a couple of years of build before he even sniffs the belt. Right now he's barely over and that's only because he's friends with the Elite.
He is in the main event because of the pac incident.
I think he will lose but after the match, he will be a main eventer. It's going to be one of those star making performance
If they're really trying to build Page as the face of AEW, they probably will. Sure as hell tried back when he was with Bullet Club.
I see the potential in him but this match needed more build. They didn't do him any favors by having him win the jobber battle royal to get his spot. They should have done tournament matches at FF and FFTF.
I knew the start would be rough as soon as it was reported they would be on basic cable. They're trying to build an audience basically from scratch. Their smark followers can only sustain them for so long, eventually they need casuals and returning lapsed fans to sustain a high enough rating to keep advertisers happy. That means building up new stars. But that also means matchups like this, where it's really obvious who's going over (Jericho). They can't go into TV in October with the strap on Hangman, nobody watching will know who that is.
With Jericho holding the belt, they can use him to introduce the new audience to whoever they want as their top guys (Omega, Moxley, Dillinger, etc). Those guys don't necessarily need to beat Jericho, either. They just need to get their characters and motivations across to the new audience so they know who they are for the future. Then you can do Jericho vs Omega III and put the strap on Kenny (Kenny chasing the title is dimes). Eventually, you can use the newly established top guys to start building up and putting over newer, fresher talent.
What I don't understand is the Yea Forums attitude that the entire promotion is a failure because the main event isn't Ryback vs Ryback. What were you expecting from a brand new promotion? It takes time to build characters for a new audience.
>Ryback vs Ryback
They are definitely building Hangman up as a future top guy. That said, Cody isn't stupid enough to start TV with (in the eyes of the casual audience) a literal who as the champion. Even if he was, he's got Billy Gunn, BJ Whitmer, and Dean Malenko backstage in his ear telling him what a stupid idea that would be.
This is ripe for a "I wasn't ready then" long term story. Putting the strap on Hangman right now is a bad idea, do it in 8 months.
I'm starting to fear the might go with him and it'd be so fucking stupid that it would kill them before they start airing.
Jericho HAS to win for AEW to even get off the ground. People know Jericho and hes a good heel. He can be someone you want to see lose the title eventually.
Page will probably work better chasing the title than being the champ at this stage. If he wins now where does he go from there?
>If he wins now where does he go from there?
This x1000. You can use Jericho to get the other top chasing babyfaces over. You can't use Page for shit right now because nobody will know who he is on TNT. Being part of the first ever AEW title match will be good for his resume in the future, so let him chase for a few months and then maybe give him a run in a year.
Jericho is gonna win after either:
a) some in-house storyline setup for TV
2) a debut run-in from a big former WWE superstar
III) an invasion run-in from someone in NJPW
Whoever wins, we lose
Having Page win makes absolutely no sense.
I can't believe I was actually excited for AEW in January. All the steam has gone for me, I don't wanna watch boring vanilla guys like Hangman, trannies, or 'ironic' wrestlers like Orange Cassidy or The Bucks.
my hype went down the drain when I've seen Sonny Kiss, not even memeing
Nah Page won’t win. Pretty sure the only reason Page is there is because of PAC having to pull out of Double or Nothing.
>right wing snowflake triggered
I'm not sure, I won't be watching
>ever believing a dancing nigger faggot can be part of a serious promotion
I have no idea who to bet on here
>Jericho wins
The bigger name, can sell the company with him as your champ. Start the show with a heel champ and so the title arc of the first series of shows is for Page to win the title
On the other hand, Jericho is old and a former e drone, so it doesn't set him apart.
>Page Wins
fresh new champ, but the build has been terrible and can you imagine AEW's tv show kicking off with him as champ?
Adam Page is shit. There's a reason NJPW never saw anything in him, and only got sort of pushed, because Kenny and friends pushed for it.
>There's a reason NJPW never saw anything in him
The absolute delusional state of weebs. Tanahashi personally said he wanted to mentor him.
More like, does anyone care outside of the elite fans? Their feud is hot garbage.
The ones who hate WWE are NuJapanlets trying to compensate for the fact that no one watches their product.
The ones who hate AEW are lireral E drone pajeet interns who probably get paid 2 cents an hour by WWE to try and shit on the product as much as possible.
Nah you're full of shit. NJPW liked the guy, a lot more than the young bucks. He feels like a lesser "star" now but probably because they wrestle once every 2-3 months which will stop soon anyway when their TV deal starts.
>dusty finish
>tune in to our first tv show in October for the triple threat match!
Exactly what I'm dreading is coming and it only works with CM Punk tier signing, not the shitters they're likely debuting like Swagger or Mundo
Riveted black leather always looks faggy
I'm sure their first champion is old heel character serving as the guy who gets all hungry younger wrestlers after his belt. This is their plan before their TV deal starts off. Jericho fits the role once broadcasted to public.
Implying that was his idea.
The match he has spent years bitching about despite having zero effect?