Have a cold one one me!
Have a cold one one me!
but the boobs would make it warm
why are you lying to me
Who cares about big ol' titties if they sack down to the floor as soon as she takes off the bra? lmao
>i'm gay and a virgin
Hi this is the OP i meant to say "Have a cold one on me!" not "Have a cold one one me!" sorry
they are cold boobs full of cold milk
She’s a cadaver
>they are cold boobs full of cold milk
oh god she's dead? what the fuck are you posting this for!!!!!
no she's alive her boobs just naturally refrigerate her milk for your pleasure
then she's a robot and robots are no friends of mine
Sorry I don't have shit taste in boobers my friend.
oh god she's dead? what the fuck are you posting this for!!!!!
You have a problem with necrophiliacs? Would you like to take that up with the LGBTN network, you fascist creep?
your taste is irrelevant seeing as how you've never actually physically touched one and probably never will lol
necrophilia is illegal fam
watch out where you're going with this
This is such an epic own to the libshits can I screencap this for my funnyjunk page? I can give you credit if you have a funnyjunk account
oh snap
fantastic doubles lad
Your fortune: Good Luck
There are consequences to hurtful comments made by necrophobes! Better hope you don't end up on a slab near us Mr Hater.
Seriously can I add you on funnyjunk
r9k btfo
Fresh off the boat from reddit, kid?
how it feels to put peepee in dead girl?
it feels epic lole