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Ribera is garbage

I don't know what the fuck Ribera is but he sure deleted his tweet like Batista told him to pretty fucking quickly.

Attached: basedtista.jpg (580x167, 34K)

The fuck is Ribera? What coat? What is Batista talking about?

Based Ribera recognizing how much of a shitter Chuck Gaylor is by not giving him a jacket.

king shit
kek what a cuck

Damnit, someone beat me to the Chuck Taylor isn't a wrestler punchline.

Even big breakfast got one.

Attached: b.jpg (640x640, 91K)

>Wrestling Tradition

...that you have to pay for

It's a steakhouse in Tokyo. Not sure how it works but there's some tradition about wrestlers being given jackets there.

>Cucky (low) T

>he doesn't know
zoomers out

Attached: CiRGxOZUUAEEyWj.jpg (500x562, 57K)

Are you retarded?

>beyond your years
Taylor debuted the same year Batista did.

>Based Cornette is right about yet another cuck simp
huh who would have thought

what a bitch

How fucking many times did Batista ever wrestle in Japan?

Ribera Steakhouse is a steakhouse in Japan. The owner was a wrestling fan and gave the wrestler's satin jackets, it's some tradition that's been around since the late 70's.

Attached: Alberto.jpg (642x722, 89K)

For once I agree with Dave, you have to drawn some dimes and have some miles under your name to get the jacket, they don't give it out to literally who indie shitters

Did they at least give Okada a jacket?

Based Big Breakfast Bully Boy Baron

this surprises you?

Attached: big corbs.jpg (668x773, 52K)

You can go a pay for a jacket,it's nothing exclusive

They gave this Canadian indie wrestler one which makes it even worse for Chuck Taylor because he's had matches for the biggest wrestling company in Japan.

Attached: Kaitlin_Diemond_with_Ribera_jacket.jpg (800x1046, 95K)

If the owner of Ribera Steakhouse hasn't given you a satin jacked you were never truly over in Japan.

Literally gave one to Justin Roberts

Big Dick Dave burying the indie shitters.

ITT we post wrestlers more relevant than Cuck Taylor wearing Ribera coats
I'll start with Matt Taven and Mike Kanellis

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>paid roastie for services with cheap nylon jacket
western women were a mistake

Reminder that Justin Robers cried over not getting a real ribera jacket

How much?

Colt Cabana

Attached: cabana.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

Less than Chuck Taylor but they still gave him one.

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The Michaels

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Lol fuck Dave and his cringe MUH TRADITION i'm just gonna go buy one on ebay

Why are boomers like Dave more loyal to big business than the holy bond of marriage


This, pretty sure what Chuck said was a fucking joke.

WWE is the world, they don't even have to wrestle a single time in Nipland and they'll still be given one seethe more weeb bitch kek!

>only wrestled in WWE
>talking about traditions started by outlaw wrestlers that worked for Japanese Promotions to a guy clearly memeing
how can dave be so based and cringe at the same time.

>outlaw wrestlers
this is a lame term

go back newfriend

no you go back you faggot

So this thread is making me pretty confused.
I am usually pretty well versed within our shitosting kayfabe.
But there seems to be people who... think... that Batista was being serious and honest. And same for Chuck. Also people who do not know that Chuck deletes 90% of his tweets anyway.
Please can everyone just tell me that you know that Dave was just joking and that Chuck was also only joking?

Wrestling "traditions" are stupid anyway

The sooner these old timers die, the better

how the fuck is Batista not serious in that tweet?

>they don't give it out to literally who indie shitters
nigger they give the fucking things to wrestling fans at times anymore
the jacket doesn't mean shit in the current year +4

They only gave him one because they thought he was one of the waiters

>seething this hard over a term used since /wwe/ on Yea Forums
newfriend boilin

Majority of Yea Forums are based retards.
Its what happens when you act like retards for years, actual retards start to show up.

learn how to use the term based retard

Everybody knows Chuck was joking but Batista says and does autistic shit all the time. This is hardly unusual.

lmfao Autistia is a moron that doesn't get Chuckie T's gimmick.

holy shit he's right

it's still a gay term

>big business
lol yes this one steakhouse is "big business."

>based retard outs himself
Like clockwork


Attached: based.jpg (564x754, 52K)

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.


Dave worked by big tweet and delete Dustin


Chuckie T was 100% drunk shitposting. He has a Ribera jacket since his days in Dragon Gate. Probably just didn't want Batista fans shitting up his mentions.


Cuckie bTfo

Absolutely based, but not redpilled.

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>no Ribera Powers team
weak sauce

Care to extrapolate?

>My friend I offer this advice in complete sincerity. Delete this tweet immediately. Our history and tradition with that place is something that's beyond your years. I'm asking you not to disrespect that over a jacket you didn't receive.

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Chuckie T always delete his old tweets.

To be fair, based Beretta spent WAY more time in NJPW than Chuckie T. Aside from Best Friends, he was a part of Roppongi Vice which Japan clearly loved.

>Our history and tradition with that place is beyond your years
Dustin debuted less than 3 years after Batista, what a dumb boomer.

WWE used to run Saitama Super Arena? Wow!

Batista is definitively serious there

even the forrest gump of the internet Dan Ryckert got a jacket before Chuckie T

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You know you can just buy those jackets, right?

then Chuckie should stop being a beta fag and buy one

That would be 20x sadder.

Big Dick Dave with his

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Jesus Christ KWAB

Bitchtitsta continually proving what a simp he is. Can’t believe I ever thought this flaming faggot was better than Cena.


that is a fucking awesome picture

Based Chadtista

Is there a pants restaurant too?

Attached: chuck sell out.png (588x110, 13K)

Is that Mike Kanellis and Matt Taven? wtf. they were IWGP tag champs?

yeah kanellis was a pretty big draw for a while

What a fucking pussy. Batista would kill this fag.

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This dude's not funny
Almost as unfunny as big e

yeah they lost the belts in their first defense tho.

"Haha now I'm sucking dicks, just like all those faggots I hate, haha" what a simp jabroni mark hotdog and handshake loser

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