Blissberg has wrinkles

Blissberg has wrinkles

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looks like a rat too

And is still getting more of a push and tv time than Lana/MANdy/Lacey/Liv/whatever other blonde bimbo you said was going to replace her.

Niggettys SEETHING

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Talk about rent free

So does Sasha

They're both...

Bliss has a full head of hair.

At least she knows she's a comedy act

Aging in dog years

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And the lesson is folks:

Wear sunscreen regularly
Don't wear makeup regularly
Don't be white ever


Ya seethe horsefags?

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Splinterfags GOTTEN TO

Aging worst than The Fiend’s severed head lantern

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So is horsetty

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Don't you Sashafags have a containment thread
Oh wait it doesn't even reach 75 replies before it dies

So is Rattata

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>Bliss is aging in dog years
>So is Sasha
>So is Bliss
Why are Horsettyfags so shit at banter?

>b-but she's better than this list of diva shitters!
Don't compare piss to shit.

Sashettyfags should take their own advice because Sashetty is absolute shit


>he likes a shitter like Sasha because he insulted my waifu
Not everyone is the enemy, Seek help and find a new hobby.

Reminder splinterfags, Sasha left for 4 months and will be the one to take the belt from Beko while blissberg will flounder in a worthless tag division

>I swear i'm not a Botchafag
Sure you're not

>he thinks the horse is winning

>thinks Piggy is winning

Bliss is getting scissored by shayna when she gets called up

What are you even talking about? You horsecels are awful at this.

Ratcel COPE


>caring about womens wrestling
>not just watching for ass shots

Cope with what?

>Imagine caring about that
and Horsetty will then forever be known as the shitter that cried and sat home for months until she got her way.
>Getting booked to win because you threw a tantrum and not because the company decided you deserved to
Imagine being a Horsefag bragging about that.

You're persistent aren't you.

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>believing Lyin Satin
Holy shit y'all niggas gullible

>Nubian Goddess
Bitch looks like a klingon

So she did what hogan did? Sounds pretty based to me ratcel

Seethe when Sasha beats Becky while Rattata lost to Bayley multiple times and tapped clean to Natalya

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Better than looking like master splinter

>this delusion

Called politics ya faggot. All the top stars did it

I wasn't even talking about what that idot said.
There is visible evidence Sasha was crying after the match.
And her throwing a tantrum wasn't meant literally, was talking about how she refused a booking on Raw, cancelled an appearance on some show the next day and then sat home for 4 months.

If Bliss is so irrelevant why can't horsecels stop seething about her?

Nice rebuttal rattatacell

You must’ve missed the rat thread that mentioned Sasha in the OP that came before this one

Name me one person that sat home for 4 months because they lost the tag titles

Fucking retard, I said it was politics not copying

Link it

>waifu wars
Have sex, seriously.

Sitting home for 4 months because you lost a prop isn't politics. It's being a pouty self-mark

wanna talk more about your homosexual adventures homeboi?

Hogan bitched when he lost the belt back in the day. Also shawn kept bitching to keep the belt. They knew their pull in the company and made the most of it.


>worthless tag division
chalk that up to their shitty inaugural champions

Difference is they had pull at, botcha had zero pull and Vince was more than happy to let botcha stay at home not make money and make herself look like a pleb while the rest of her friends were succeeding

>zero pull
>gets hot shotted to the main title scene upon return

>a title scene that just had an NXT call up shitter and Natalya in the last 2 feuds
>to job
Ya she's got some real pull

Blissfags are really seething in this thread. Surprised this post wasn't removed. They usually report any post that insults their little Lexi.

Wow it's almost like no one gives much of a fuck about your sperg out over your thread dying.

I finally just got unbanned after a week I was looking through what I missed.

>horsefags make a thread to seethe about Bliss
>Blisschads laugh at them
>horsefags seethe harder
>"b-blissfags are r-really seething in this thread"

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>he doesn't have a burner network

I just don't care enough

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is unironically more attractive than

Maybe use a picture without terrible lighting next time

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Fucking cope

you first tranny

horsecels BTFO

Sashafags btfo

>bliss needs “”””good lighting”””” to look passable

>implying anyone looks good with shadows covering half of their face

The cope from Blisscels are off the charts today!

>a thread about Alexa's alleged wrinkles generates more interest than the sasha general thread did after her return
Nice self burial kek

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based Lexi dimes

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>post pic of splinter with crows feet by her eyes
ratcells delusional as usual



>horsefag cope

Ratcell SEETHE

Aging in dog (fucking) years

horsefags obliterated

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I'm not a waifufag for any of them but worked lmao

>post a gif with visible and deep wrinkles
>h-h-horsefags btfo

>>post a gif with visible and deep wrinkles
>horsefag doesn't know how foreheads work

Attached: 54510.gif (498x280, 2.17M)


>i-i-its only cause of her forehead
>post a gif with wrinkles again
Ratcel SEETHING into a stupor


Care to extrapolate?

>posts picture of Sasha with wrinkles

So does Horsetty

Attached: Banks.jpg (800x533, 46K)

You BTFO this post



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Sasha looks just as horrible as she did 5 years ago

Have sex

