Imouto or Nee-san?

Imouto or Nee-san?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Loli twins imoutos

Both. At the same time. No negotiations.

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Make them fuck each other
For my amusement!

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Imouto in this case, but Nee-sans in general.

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Both it will be forced at first then consensual because they will get into and want it.

DAnchigai chapter when?

>wanting to fuck you sister.

only people without a sister thinks this.

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Why not Okaa-san?

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Mother, older sister and younger sister at the same time.

patrician taste

I have an imouto and nee-san and I would fuck them both.


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Here's the real question: Responsible and lovely nee-san, or irresponsible and lecherous nee-san?

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>proceeds to improve sister dental hygiene

Today I'll remember them.

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Definitely the rapist neesan

I'll take the nee-san

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right is best girl and i love her

Responsible on the outside, aggressive brocon on the inside.

Someone claims this every thread, and there's always plenty of people to prove them wrong. Why persist?

cute butts

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Sisters are for impregnating.

Tall-flat imouto or short-stack onee-san, anons?

nee san of course, anyone who says otherwise must be gay falseflagging or a disgusting pedo.

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All sisters should have cute butts.

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Neither. Kaa-san.

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Jesus, why not just write a fucking novel.

That'll show all those newfags.

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Tired okaa-san.

Don't make me say the K word.

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Having an imouto in real life is sometimes really depressing. There are times when I'm walking with her in public and can see the "I want to fuck her" eyes of the guys walking past us.

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Nee-san easy

>don't have a imouto, but have younger female cousin
>in public people always seem to think we're dating or she's my girlfriend
>was never creeped out, but acted like I did to hide my power level
>when we were 8 and 4, I tongue-kissed her out of curiosity
>don't know if she remembers it or at least repressed the memory
>had many onee-san experiences
>none of the onee-sans went all the way and did something to do me
>now I think about it, my childhood was filled with sexual experiences
>explains why I've been fapping since I was 9

Yep, I'm staying inside.

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This one.

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Can I just hold their hands as we go buy dinner?

No. You're going to have hot, sweaty, loving, babymaking, incestuous sex with one of your sisters, and you're gonna like it.

Now choose which one.

Can I at least hold their hand during?

Oneesan that acted as an okaasan who has secretly been wanting you for your entire life

source? nothing comes up on saucenao

Shota Eater

A straight shota anthology. Not all of it is incest. Crop is from the first story.

>hold their hand
Take that shit to /d/, you sick freak.
No sisters, but my neighbor growing up was an older slim horsey tomboy with waist length blonde hair and a penchant for thanking me for being helpful in the barn.
I still can't believe that guys her age wanted bimbos instead.

only at the exact moment of climax and not for a second longer.

What about an onee-san that is about 10 years older than you, only you find out that she's really your mother, and your grandparents raised you as their child and her brother to keep the burden of preteen motherhood off of her.

>not holding her hand through the entire process
>not interlocking your fingers with her and making her blush

She had you when she was around 10 years old?

I'm going to go hold my real imouto's hand and there is nothing you anons can do to stop me.

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Unlikely, but not impossible.

I'm even going to pat her head

You can bump it up to 11-13, if need be.


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don't remind me

Meant to respond to

No user! Thats too lewd, this is a worksafe board!


Oh shit. No wonder that sounded familiar.

I have a little sister IRL, and imouto fuckers make me sick
Oneesans, though. That's the true patrician taste.

>only people with a hot sister think this.

I guess I should be grateful I have no idea who that is, but I'm gonna ruin it by asking.

Both, at t--
Good to know I'm not alone.

Lucky bastard.
Just remember, unless you're both willing to become pariahs, your role is to give her a model for what a worthwhile man really is, rather than becoming her one and only supportive stud.

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Ted Bundy, one of the most notorious serial killers.
Amusingly, I don't remember him trying anything incestuous

>not wanting him to join the ranks of OHB and Chris

It always starts at handholding. Its like a gateway.

Flat chested imouto, every time.

He was raised believing that his mother was his sister, I think. That's why that user posted him.

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Ah, never did know his face, or that tidbit.

You rang.

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Is Chris still making threads? Or is he too busy banging his imouto?

enjoy your retard babies


>Here's the real question: Responsible and lovely nee-san, or irresponsible and lecherous nee-san?
Corrupt the former and turn her into the latter

It takes generations to make that happen, user. Individual couples who decide that if they can't keep it in their pants they should at least keep it in the family won't spew retarded flipper babies.

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Every sunday on r9k. There are new faces there too.

How about lusty oneechan and responsible imouto?

>touching toothbrushes

Lusty and responsible oneechan who takes care of you and molests you

Yeah, I was just saying that despite that, he still didn't want to fuck his mother/sister

This series and all its top tier doujins are going to turn me into a withered husk.

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Nee san Cuz No imouto except for Kirino can wear a bikini at all.

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Man of culture

Would you though? It's pretty unusual that I'm not sure how a normal person would react.

Loli oneechan and oppai imouto

Change my mind

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Because even Ted Bundy was more mentally sound than sisterfuckers

Would you rather fuck your twin or an opposite sex clone of yourself?

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I can't. Childish/ditzy oppai imouto is so good it overwhelms even my shameless dfc obsession. And loli oneechan implies that big sis is old enough to be the fabled legal loli. Your logic is just too flawless, senpai. It can't be beat.

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Same. Big sisters are in a league of their own.

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NBR, but I absolutely love Chiyo

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Assuming the opposite sex clone has my memories, the twin. Otherwise it's still kind of gay. My clone would agree. Now if me and my opposite sex clone were to molest gender reversed me of the past, say fourth grade or so, and let's say that past version of me had a twin..

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If you had an onee-san, you'd think both groups were nuts, user.
Unless, of course, you only met them as adults. Genetic Sexual Attraction is a real thing.

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I've had lots of oneesans in the forms of older female cousins.
Oneesans are still much better than imoutos.

Clone. Pic related.

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Both need some good old breasts reduction surgery.

Cousins are not sisters, user.


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But it's similar, aniki

But they're so hot.

I lived with them for years. They were basically like sisters, though a few were old enough to be my mom.
I wouldn't fuck them, but oneesans are still top tier.

Why is she wearing the choker?

There's a difference between a nee-san and an onee-san.

How do you guys feel about fucking your niece/aunt that’s close to you in age?

happened in Peru....twice

Yeah, the fucking 御.

pettanko pleb please perish

shit, meant for

I have both and while I do love my neesan I'm absolutely addicted to my imouto. I'm spending more than half of my free time with her and hope to marry her in the future

>Going to Yea Forums
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

That's because of precocious puberty though.

Can't even go to the movies with my imouto anymore.

Identical twin sister.

Damn Columnfag leaving us hanging for years after last update. Right in the damn middle. I got both types; an onee-san and imouto. Don't want to sex either of them, but I love siscon anime/manga/greentexts
Dunno why

Any nude in the anime?

>"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
Some of them sound true. Most sound fake.

Responsible, lovely, and lecherous.
But this is all irrelevant. Imoutos are clearly superior.

Found out I had aunt that was younger than me. She’s like 16/17 and pretty hot. Totally would if I could.

Yeah I got both older and younger sisters but I don't find them hot.
If they looked like Yayoi or Mutsuki tho...might be a different story

is either or

I'm the same way, except I don't have an imouto. My older sister is objectively hot but I've never been attracted to her, even slightly.

I love imouto siscon and sometimes wonder, if I had a little sister, whether I'd have a serious attraction her, or if I wouldn't like siscon. Or maybe nothing would change. Kinda wish I had an imouto to have an illicit relationship with though. Feels weird senpai.

the story is pretty sad tho.
the little girl was raped when she was 9 and gave birth to a boy when she was 10.

>If they looked like Yayoi or Mutsuki tho...might be a different story
...But instead they look like you? Isn't that the whole point of sisters?

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That's not how genetics work

another one? seriously?

Is it normal to want to fuck my non-existent imouto?

So this is the power of mods.

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Shit Yea Forums Says, more like Shit Mods Do am I right

I hope you never get to fuck your sister

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go back they're

/trash/ you fucking retarded newfag mods, /trash/ [s4s] is not a dumping board, /trash/ is. /trash/ /trash/ /trash/, how many times do i have to fucking say it? wish you idiots would get fired

dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
trips! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!

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Does essfores like sisters?


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I can't stop laughing.

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the niec treahd

I'm sure that a good chunk of the moderation staff don't even know that /trash/ exists because it isn't properly listed.

i hab nno idea how hard u lole'd

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第01話「どれみびっくり!新しいおジャ魔� (640x480, 174K)

Trips Confirm the Absolute Truth!

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Both suck ass

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>mods cheating to get a whole bunch of dubs at the same time

who quote

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jannie r u ok?

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mod's life

dubs!!! wooh!
but who r u quoutign?

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case in point...
(lole, nice Get!!/dubs)
>mods cheating to get a whole bunch of dubs at the same time


Attached: [SallySubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka 2 - 01 [BD 108p FLAC] [7E984084].mkv_snapshot_07.39_[2018.06. (1080x608, 636K)

at least it wasnt deleted

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but shes a chinaman . . . .

is she your sister?


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sxarp is chinese?


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anime name?

Is Doremi big on Yea Forums?

yea!!! HUGE!!!!!!1
actulely dis is hazuki...

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Is being suddenly transported to other board an isekai?

it's 3 posters circlejerking at this point

nno ids nod... deres nno circlelj*rks on [s4s]

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this poster is saeed, for reference
would suggest going here to find out more

wow, you can really see the 2 boards crashing lole...

It ought to be

Anime is cuckold cockshitter jewish faggotry!

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Imouto because being the eldest child means you are superior.

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excuse me I dont fuck w no cockshitters

i like when the animes are kawaii. if you are an Yea Forums user please respond and tell me what do you think of this


shut up cringelord