I want to write something including s4s and other boards but I'm afraid it'll be bad

I want to write something including s4s and other boards but I'm afraid it'll be bad...
But everyone has to start somewhere.

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hmmm, i can see cts is active today... i hope (s)he will see my thread.... lole

I like to rest me head on the pillow and then pull my duvet under my chin to support it.

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omg cts

Henlo scream boi

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CTS, how do you respond to the allegations of noncery against Gutsybird (Gut. C Bird)?

uh so im not really good when it comes to conversation but i would like to know about you, what do you like and stuff

Whate is thate?

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the recent allegations that gutsybird (the doremiposter) is a nonce (paedophile), i thought since you were British you would be familiar with the term

I like computers and anime and 4channe n_ns

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I didn't know whate gutsybirb is imo birds are not that important so I have no opinion

i had a lot of respect for you cts...

oh shit an alliance between the /r9k/ discord and the /bant/ discord?? stay tuned . . . . .

That's what nonce means? This whole time I thought it was just a british way of calling someone a retard

oh boy my favourite

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yep, although nonces are almost always retards aswell

you have a fine taste when it comes to cute anime pictures tbh very cool.

all nonces are retards but not all retards are nonces

Thanke you anone I tried to devlelop a good eye for spotting aesthetic pictures.

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that anime girls has funne eyes lol. I liked that amime, bbut it kinda bothered me that she just kinda left. I wonder if she knows about the attraction the mc feels toward her

do it!

I rember watching that season and each episode everyone was getting angerier and angerier that she was not there despite being prominent in the intro
Also I thinke the mango has recently finished so you can read thate to see what happen

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ooh thanks for the heads up. although it probably has an open ending or something bad like that so i would rather not watch it and be dissapointed. tbh i mainly like her because of her boobs lole

Yeah the manga is basically ads for dagashi that's gained popularity because of the great character design of a big milker anibabe


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

im really bad at driving conversation lole

Sounds like your driver's license expired

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is a bad joke a good joke in a shitposting context?

Any joke is allowed so long as you post Carlos

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so since im bad at driving (LOL!!!) conversations I asked someone what should I say and she told me to ask you if all traps are gay. Are you a trap or just a crossdressed btw? Im curious

OwO Whomst is this grill you are talking to?
traps are very gay and dress up like a girl as a fetish thing.

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idk some disabled girl or something on a discord server, wanna send her a message?

discord is too stressful

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yeah one on one conversations are stressful too, its better to just sh*tpost with your friends without worrying tbh

the disabled girl on discord asks if youre a sissy

I don't know everyone has their own pet definition for these words.

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hmm this was good conversation practice, nice speaking to you cutie but i gotta go now, cya

The conversation did not worke because I identified what I needed to say to make it start flowing but gave short straightforward answers because I am sleepy UwU

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