[s4s] - cute boy central
Attached: tumblr_pkz93n7Src1xbri4go1_1280.jpg (720x960, 146K)
Attached: 1365329492654.png (2579x2718, 164K)
you'll never be a real boy
Attached: 50067469_765279520513488_7289066004673879252_n.jpg (720x720, 54K)
I'm cute
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
How do I know if I'm cute? What's the criteria for being cute?
post proof and we'll decide
Boy time.
Attached: 1532875269270.png (540x654, 209K)
Attached: DbnvYO3XkAIi1PD.jpg (317x319, 15K)
dubs confirm
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Attached: 1549338515911.png (680x579, 159K)
Duck goes quack
Attached: Thats a duck.jpg (640x480, 164K)
dubs confirm you should post beper
i fugging love these new anons
Attached: (sweet bavi).jpg (268x320, 18K)
i wanna be a girls cute boy
Attached: sadkeem.jpg (357x200, 21K)
dubs confirm cute girl (boy) arriving soon, allow 2-3 days delivery
fugging keemstar, lole
Attached: benis.jpg (1280x923, 345K)
why do boys do this
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Attached: wew.gif (300x350, 1.78M)
You wouldn't understand
Attached: EsRMqHvD_400x400.jpg (386x386, 14K)
girls (boys) could never understand
you wouldn't understand...
I wish you good luck in the game tonight against /mlp/
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Attached: praise kek.gif (531x414, 59K)