What the fuck was the point of all this?

What the fuck was the point of all this?
>feuds with Shane McMahon
>Kidnaps his own daughter multiple times
>Murders multiple people in kayefabe only for them to come back unharmed the next week
>Assists stone cold Steve Austin in winning the title
>Just to screw with stone cold

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ItS mE AusIn!!11111

It was a different time

It was supposed to either Mick or Jake, but Jake was too drunk and Mick declined or got injured.

Vince Mcmahon fucking killed one of the greatest storylines ever. The Ministry of Darkness was fantastic, but the Corporate Ministry was total shit, without 'Taker running it.

I forget, was that before or after Vince Russo went to dubya see dubya?

Rumor was it was suppose to be Christopher Daniels? That can't be fucking real right; how the fuck was he gonna get over in a storyline with larger than life guys that literally, and personally dwarf him.

I also heard it was suppose to be Jake The Snake?

Pretty sure it was before since Test propose to Steph yet.

None of it made sense. But during boom periods, everyone is over and everything seems good, so it doesn't matter.

Hahahahahaha every time I hear someone talk about Vince russo's old storylines I just want to laugh.
>I wanted people to think my stories were real


It was a swerve just for the sake of a swerve.

Russo and Prichard have both confirmed the Higher Power was going to be Christopher Daniels but Vince saw how short he was backstage and nixed it late into the story

It's green goblin booking. Write yourself into a corner where nothing will make any sense you throw green goblin in and say it was all his grand plan to do nothing more than to torture peter parker.

please keep your infantile comic book shit on your containment board, okay loser?

Please have sex. Then dilate. Then extrapolate.

dwid i hwurt ya fweelings, wedditor?
my advice:
nut up

Stone cold actually had been shitting on Vince for a better part of a year without hardly any hits in the process. With that context, it makes more sense that Vince would sink that low and fuck with his family just to get back at Austin. It wasn't as nonsensically as you make it seem

It is though when either Mick Foley or Jake Roberts were supposed to be the greater power.

It was Daniels as stated multiple times ITT.

It was going to be indy shitter extraordinaire Christopher Daniels until Vince saw that he was a vanilla midget.

This sounds more believable now that I think about it. Why would Vince have him pegged as it though?

>namefag making fun of anyone
real oof

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Why in the blue fuck were they even considering Christopher Daniels??? I mean the guy's a good wrestler and all but you could imagine the anti-pop he'd get when revealed to be the Higher Power? It'd make Brian Christopher's infamous reaction seem thunderous. NOBODY outside of the geekiest of the geeky knew who CD was in 99. It would make NO sense. He was damn near a midget compared to just about everyone around him. It seems sorta Russo-ish, in that he's trying to give the super rub to a younger guy but this one just makes fuck all sense. During WWF's absolute hottest time no less. In fact if they'd went with CD it might have killed the company outright lol

In retrospect it should have been Stephanie. Her kidnapping herself would have been great. She could have even said she wanted her marriage with the Undertaker to go through until Austin fucked it up.

No idea why he was chosen but he was really hot on the indies at the time

when does anything Undercarder does make sense. He's WWEs shittiest gimmick.

Absolute most cringe/reddit post I've ever seen

True but as hot as WWF, WCW (still) and ECW were at the time, indie wrestling wasn't nearly as big a deal a it is now oddly enough. Namely because everybody and their dog didn't have internet in 99. I mean MAYBE he gets a reaction in Chicago, NYC or wherever he was most active at the time?

Wait this was fucking legit?

I keep hearing about it but now I'm wondering if I'm being worked by a board meme.

I thought it was supposed to be Jake Roberts?

Based. Russoetty BTFO

I looked it up, it's from a Pritchard interview.

Wow. It's madness to me that in 1999 they were even considering such a random, indie darling for such a top heated angle. McMahon made the right call. Ten and certainly twenty years later and yeah it'd be a different story....for better or worse.

Still though, not sure if Pritchard is deciding to work us or not. Even so, I'd get why they'd do it nowadays but back then?

He was one of, if not the hottest act in indy wrestling at the time with his "Fallen Angel" satanic cult leader gimmick.

That's what I had always heard too.

And again "hottest act in Indy Wrestling" in 1999 meant absolute fuck all. ECW was in the cultural zeitgeist in the states but that's about as indie as it got. Christopher Daniels would have gotten crickets.

Russo comfirmed it too. It's legit

Now a clean and sober and in shape Jake Roberts as the Higher Power would have been based beyond all belief and been some long term storytelling genius as it could be tied back to 96 and Austin 3:16 etc.

>ECW was in the cultural zeitgeist in the states but that's about as indie as it got.
That's not true at all, the wrestling scene was healthy back then.

Im begging ya kid
Have sex

that's some
grade a
reddit cringe
right there
if i do say so myself mhmm

Literally reviving this thread to beg ya to have sex.

It happened on June 7, 1999, which was before he resigned.

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Ministry taker is the coolest taker ever and has the best entrance theme