Did u know that you can just MICROWAVE A POTATO AND THEN EAT IT?

did u know that you can just MICROWAVE A POTATO AND THEN EAT IT?
easiest vegan meal ever!

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>microwaving potatoes
so you're not just vegan but also a fucking autismal retard (whats the difference lol)

Hey everyone look at this faggot. He doesnt know you can microwave potatoes.

Attached: templeflube(1).gif (640x480, 417K)

you can microwave anything if you're a fat ugly americuck. doesn't mean you should


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Attached: amerimutt6.jpg (902x960, 79K)

>richest country
>already 10th fattest country after a decade of first place, conquered the obesity epidemic
>free speech, highest standard of living, 99% internet connected, untampered internet
>average american can afford a large house, land, and a gun with 5 years salary
>able to go vegan shopping at walmart
Third world europoors btfo

Attached: b2fd370.jpg (1242x1435, 116K)

>Untampered internet

>tunnel-traffic blocking, dataframe snooping
kek, it's almost like you have the lowest amount of network engineers

Attached: 4ff9a56.jpg (1311x2533, 522K)


Attached: americans3.jpg (500x244, 74K)

I used to microwave potatoes a lot as a vegan so true story

who are you quoting???

I thin kthe whole thread was copy and pasted from Yea Forums.net

oh thx for the heads up
i didn't get that

Attached: failed micorvawe patoe.png (1000x1000, 537K)

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you're supposed to put tin foil around it so it cooks evenly retard

haha ameriburgs dont even kettle

>average american can afford a large house, land, and a gun with 5 years salary
not even close

cut film to vent

CUT FILM TO VENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CUT FLIM TO VENT!!!!!!!!!!


LOLE!!!!!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!!!