ohhhhhhhh g*d footlong (drool hits da flor)
im at da polelce station rite now. dey found all my harddribes eben da 1s i hid in da garden. i dond thing dey r goign 2 let me go
Umm frens wat do u do if u ged convicted fore possession ob child p*rn? askign fore a fren
RaRe trips
darn. that sucks fren. welp, look on the bright side. at least you can enjoy jared's footlong in pwison!!!
As long as you're not a furry, you're okay.
dats p terriblel. u shud hab watchd doremi b4 doign somethink sso ebil
dey r dribing me to prison :( i hoep dey wont taek away my fone...
i watchd doremi 12 tiems ids what maed me watch it in da 1st place
>dey r dribing me to prison :( i hoep dey wont taek away my fone...
they will
sorry to hear you're in this situation
it's a bit late for this, but for future reference, A) don't look at child porn, and B) if you do find it then report it
i know it's probably hard to be a pedo who doesn't get to look at child porn and i wouldn't know about the pedo part specifically but just in general art and fiction can be a good substitute for porn
ok thx fren ill looke at saeeds loli drawigns next tiem imstead! wooh!
i dons thing sso... deres a theory goign around dat ant1 who watchd n loved doremi cant possiblely b ebil.... u'd nno how r*de dat kind ob stuffe is twlelbe tiems ober. ids such a nice showe.... i love aiko's storye sso muche ffor examplel
u shud try watchign id! better laet den neber... u hab alot ob tiem nowe! ids a rly wonderflel beautiflel showe dat i love alot, wid all my heart. id wuz half ob wut saeb'd my life, da udder beign [s4s]. ids a cool combo dat brought me out ob beign a depress'd Yea Forumsirgin j*rk
quick! reed this teckst file of Art of The Deal so you can convince the PohLelLeese not to take ur fone away!