I have a friend who is obsessed with this stupid board and she convinced me to try browsing it. I've been lurking Yea Forums for two days now. This will be my first and last post.
Yea Forums is the most cancerous board in all of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is even worse than Yea Forums or Yea Forums. I mean those boards are cancerous, but there is a shred of actual content here or there. I've probed Yea Forums all the way through and its pure cancer. You maggots pride yourself on OC and quality, and there is none. It's nothing but spam, dubschecking, and some fucked up namefag roleplay. I know you're going to say 'its ironic', but it's not. Maybe a couple of people are posting this shit ironically, but the majority of the posts are sincere. You can tell by how buttmad they get at the slightest criticism.
How can anyone be amused by dubs? It's a fucking number! It's like an infant amused by shaking a rattle. Grow the fuck up.
I'm not going to bother with the fucking weebs. You know how disgusting you are.
The only OC I've seen in the past 2 days is horribly drawn, horribly thought out ms paint crap. The rest are pictures taken off tumblr and given a stupid name. 'lol it says walruse, but it's a seal' Thats lame shit, and it stopped being funny when I was 10.
I'm done now. You can start spamming your ascii 'art', and disregard everything I've said. Don't worry, I know exactly where. I'm not going there though, I'm going to a board with actual content, something you simpletons wouldn't understand
were not talking about the same thing, i feel empty and fucking hopeless
Samuel Jones
smoke heroin
Cooper White
Logan Collins
i think we are actually, in a way
Dylan Barnes
maybe, kinda just thought i had found someone i could love, but theyre gone now, forget it, stupid to even try for it in the first place i just want it to be over now, what an empty worthless life i live
trips well the law would beg to differ, funnu you avoid saying anything until i take my name off then its all friends and beer. fake thanks, but this aint r9gay, so im shutting the fuck up now nice namefig
Dubs What do you wish for me to say to this what do you wish to accomplish with this statement do you want me to drop to my knees and beg you to stay do you wish for me to make fun of you for announcing your departure
was probably venting frustration, nevermind it and carry on. why bother posting at them if thats how you feel
Michael Howard
Because I asked a question with a point it It can actually be replied too Just as you did
Logan Edwards
is that why your girls turn gay? to show appreciation?
Isaiah Ortiz
Smoke weed drive slow speed eat your own seed
Xavier Carter
OP, come back to this board when high. This board makes zero sense unless you're blasted into another universe - then it becomes the most magical place that somehow makes coherent sense and feels "home." Half of the posters here are in another dimension. You're a pathetic 3D being peering into the 4D and whining that you can't comprehend it.
Also check my dubs
Isaac Rivera
>twitter filename oof yikes is this twitter board now
Austin Bennett
this is twitter website now lookaround at how normalized and mainstream everything is now there is nothing fringe or unusual about Yea Forums just another social media platform that got overrun by average people. average people are mundane and are only concerned with mundanebsubjects like other people and sex and politics. look around you and witness the normification of Yea Forums you used to be the final boss of the internet now you just are the internet
Ryan Kelly
normie faggot bitch
Chase Cook
If you want to avoid normalfigs just dont browse b, r9shit, pol, biz, soc and v. Problemo solved (also 4chinz isnt the only imageboard in the world yanno)
[s4s] is pathetic. This is not "good old" Yea Forums, this board is drier than ever. Just look at the current threads. There is literally nothing noteworthy or interesting to read or comedic.
Why does this even go on? Oooh, I poast thread of aother funneh-sounding food-type item! I use :^) because its so funny and YOU GOT DUBS AGAIN NICE. Even though this guy's post was hilarious and promoted interaction, he said the word "fuck" in it so I'm just going to respond with "rude gb2 " that'll show him and improve the quality of this board! I think I'll post another "maymay" because it's so funny right??? LOL I changed the spelling of a word to add the letters 'lel' or 'kek' in them haha. Or maybe I'll just make a retarded one-word reply like "pel", because that adds so much quality to this great board. LET'S JUST KEEP REPEATING THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER LOL HE POSTED TOPLELKEKDOGE!!!!
I've been here since the evening of March 31st, 2013, and it's astounding to see the rate at which this board degraded from something interesting that made me laugh to this utter garbage.