Is jobberville the end of the road for our girl?

Is jobberville the end of the road for our girl?

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Who will get a belt in WWE first; Kairi or EC3?

>our girl
This isn't reddit.

She can be just another jobber in WWE or the top star in AEW. The decision sounds easy but Kairi looks like the kind of girl to be tricked into signing a new contract for all the charity, Make a Wish, and fan meetings WWE has.

ya seethe

she likes money to buy high end fashion. wwe can pay her the most. she's not going anywhere

EC3 might get the 24/7 title for a minute if he’s lucky

She's already in jobberville ya dingus

already happened iirc

AEW can pay her the most though. They have more money.

But she took a pay cut to go to wwe

She makes more now for the top promotion in the world, that does not want any talent going anywhere else, than when working in a jap bingo hall.
>aew can pay more
lmao WWE is going to be swimming in FOX money

He won it for like 10 seconds

Buy her out of her contract, Kenny.

Give Vince 10 Mil and he will budge.

all she does with her private life is buy expensive clothes and suck off BBCs,i bet shes happy as fuck right now

I wonder why they don't let him do a million dollar playboy gimmick with the 24/7 belt. He's predestined to play this role. Hasn't WWE even alluded to it in his vignettes just before the debut on the main roster?

Attached: ec3.png (1281x720, 1.31M)

It's the gimmick that is the problem.
Again, her gimmick is fine in a certain setting. Works very well on "small room" audiences up to 1000 people I'd say. It's a gimmick made for NXT size events that have a way more initmate engagement with the crowd.
On small scale, sterile, "big crowd" events like weekly WWE main roster programming or PPVs her gimmick is dead in the water. No one (casuals) pays attention, no one holds any interest, barely anyone cheers a nerdy pirate girl. Pirates don't have big room mass appeal anymore.

>On bigger scale, sterile, "big crowd" events like weekly WWE main roster programming...
fixed that for myself

They never showcased the gimmick on main roster besides calling her the pirate princess.

The main roster audience doesn't know anything about her other than being in a tag team with Asuka and being somewhat good in the ring.

Don't confuse her with Asuka

No, it's Vince that is the problem

This. She can get over as a goofy underdog babyface, but you need to show it.

Paul hates Asians: confirmed

at least they didn't get a jobber entrance last night that's progress

>They have more money.
No they don’t. Khan isn’t investing his whole fortune on the fake fighting fed, unlike Vince.

It exposes them getting dead silence though

He got buried after having an affair with Bliss

Vince isn't investing his whole fortune either. That's for the XFL.

>our girl
was the one who pinned kairi

VInces "whole" fortune is the fake fighting fed.
Khan on the other hand is the "male Dixie" paypig sourcing his money from his trust fund.

Bad for the viewer/fan.
Good for him because he collects a full paycheck now for doing pretty much nothing.
It's a problem of WWE that they just don't fire anyone yet continue to keep them and pay them full salaries. Leaving no incentive for the inidividual to better their situation.

>still pushing this meme

we liked her first

There is nothing wrong with being a jobber

>>Swimming in that FOX money
>>Until they get canceled for not being able to pull in 3 million viewers a week
>>WWE then becomes entirely dependent on Saudi money since they cant draw a full house at a Bingo Hall
>>Stable of Bin Laden jr [Former Jinder] The Djinn [Sammy Zane in a mask] Goatfucker [Macintyre] and Iron Sheikh 3 {Mansoor] dominate as the new evolution
>>AEW is the company people watch in the US while Vince declares Death to America