This was better than any match on Takeover or Summerslam

Attached: cedric-alexander-to-battle-drew-mcintyre-in-a-highly-anticipated-rematch.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

Definitely match of the night, and perhaps a good preview of things to come in the tournament.

Went on too long IMO. Guess the point was to elevate Cedric so it had to be more than a squash

Crowd was suprisingly very into it considering it's anti charisma Drew and some literal 205 jobber

really cool finish

Tonight it's Murphy's turn
205 'jobbers' are far and away the best guys on the ding-dong diddly main roster and always get the crowd into their matches even if they come out to crickets.

Dog shit compared to this ribeye.

Attached: E9579E94-888E-478D-8DC3-B1B19A7846FF.jpg (1022x570, 62K)

>posts lion
wow weebs are truly low IQ

Cedric is the thinking man's Ricochet.

>Cedric is the contrarian's Ricochet
FTFY. I do want to see a match between the two though.

Throughout Ricoshit's entire push I just think to myself it should be Cedric. He can do all the same flips and is only average on the mic instead of full on WOAT tier like Ricoshit

What are these idiots waiting to push Drew? Make him lose less and push him as a monster. The guy has everything Vince likes plus he's a very good wrestler. I'm starting to think they'll fuck up again with the guy

if being able to have a brain of your own to form your own opinion makes you contrarian rather than accepting trash like some braindead sheep than yeah i'd be contrarian

But neither guy is trash.

chill guy the KOTR starts soon and he's winning it even though he's absolutely a charisma vacuum don't soil your panties bro

Kevin Owens is winning it because new Austin lmao.
Drew or Corbin will be the losing finalist.
Tbh I think they'll do a shock loss to Cedric thing with Drew since they're feuding


There's some truth to that.

>flipping black guys
>awful on the mic
>garbage facial expressions
Only difference is Ricochet doesn't scream like he's been shot whenever he takes a bump.

>Only difference is Ricochet doesn't scream like he's been shot whenever he takes a bump.
That's the only thing Ricochet has on Cedric imo. Cedric fucking buries himself screaming like that every match.
However I think his facial expressions are a lot better than Ricochet's and Ricochet is worse by a mile on the mic and is one of the all time worse talkers i've seen this decade in WWE.

>Tonight it's Murphy's turn
Surely Vince knows a good match with Buddy will do more for Roman than squashing a guy with zero televised matches. Right?

Attached: 1537836883743.png (811x720, 339K)

It was boring as fuck

Attached: Cedric Alexander vs. Drew McIntyre_ Raw, Aug. 12, 2019.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

>Better than SummerSlam
>Better than takeover
Io and Candice was better

AEW shill

Based. Which one did it better

Attached: 1539547638986.webm (1334x750, 767K)

You can see Drew slap his thigh on the way up whereas Shingo just murders you.

But it's suppose to be fake and Cedric drew the same reaction with less damage to his body

I say this as a meme a lot but I literally have no idea who either of these guys are

I liked it when I watched it live, but seeing a webm of it just makes me notice the camera cut. I don't know why I'm so numb to the camerawork when I'm watching the show, but can't stand it when I just see clips.

Drew ran so fucking slow tho, Jesus Christ.

good thing it wasnt a ppv, he would have lost