Why do a lot of people still dream of being a pro wrestler?

Why do a lot of people still dream of being a pro wrestler?

Wrestling obviously but isnt real. But more importantly it involves a lot of injuries, politics, horrible work life balance etc. Why would you wanna go through that stuff?

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So I might get a chance to actually touch the G.O.A.T.'s hair one day.

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Because it's my childhood dream. I was never popular as a kid, constantly picked on, and wrestling was an outlet for me. Seeing larger than life heroes like Cena or RVD or Jeff Hardy overcome obstacles it gave me a little bit of hope. It made me want to get in shape, it made me want to stick up for myself and if it wasn't for those moments I probably would've made Eric and Dylan look like jobbers. Yes all that shit is in the way but dammit who the hell said life was ever supposed to be easy? I want to go through that stuff so that maybe in 10 or 15 years some kid going through the same shit sees someone in their situation doing that type of stuff and think "hey it's gonna be alright". And until my neck is sawdust and my back is Edge levels of fucked up, I ain't giving that dream up.


One of the things cornettey is actually right about is that so many people getting into it now see it as a stepping stone to an acting career like reality tv. Of course the other half that actually like wrestling seem to be overwhelmingly self marks. I dunno wrestling is dead who cares.


Yeah, but using wrestling as a stepping stone to acting in 2019 is retarded. Wrestling has no mainstream significance and your promos are all written word for word. The Rock was lucky he was able to do his own promos and wrestle while wrestling was the shit. Nowadays the only acting role wrestlers get are shitty straight-to-DVD WWE productions.

Because it still looks like it's kinda fun and it's seems like a decent way/incentive to stay in shape. I'm still young (early 20s) so it's now or never.

I only wanted to be a wrestler from the late 90s to the mid-2000s, when wrestling was still awesome
Thank God I didn't actually try to go for it...at best, I probably would have been stuck in indy hell until finally making it to WWE during that god-awful 2010-2011 period
Sure the money would've been nice...but being a part of that shitty product instead of the Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era would've ate at my soul

pro wrestling is unironically blue collar as fuck, and there is the possibility for those that makes it big, or even just a successful enough midcard it pays so much better than say operating a forklift at some factory

I want to be someone else's Mankind or Undertaker. I want to make someone mark the fuck out to my matches and annoy their friends talking about how cool I am. I want to plant an idea in their mind that maybe they could be like me, so they'll eat right, exercise, and say their prayers before bedtime. I wanna make some kid's year by taking a picture with them.


And if it we're easy, everyone would do it.

I can't imagine a single kid that looks at Jesetty like that.

Why do a lot of people still dream of being an actor?

Acting obviously but isnt real. But more importantly it involves a lot of injuries, politics, horrible work life balance etc. Why would you wanna go through that stuff?

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Is Australia like Japan and no one has ever heard of braces over there?

Why do a lot of people still dream of being OP?

Imageboards obviously but isnt real. But more importantly it involves a lot of feefees, politics, horrible work life balance etc. Why would you wanna go through that stuff?

Based babyface promo.

>seems like a decent way/incentive to stay in shape.
Only if you want to look like a midget geek. Old school wrestlers sacrificed their livers on the altar clembuterol, testo and painkillers.

Same goes to people who wants to be stage plays actor

I'll see you in the ring, brother.

not sure but former collegiate/pro athletes will most likely get the shine anyway, so they need wrestling nerds to fill out the midcard.

What the hell an actual good babyface promo.

dumb analogy. Most actors don't do their own stunts. They also get paid more than the average wrestler and don't have to take bumps every night.

I thought about it back when it was cool, but watched enough documentaries to know I'd be killing myself to say "Nah, I'm good."