

Attached: C7FEF42A-A07C-4C38-94C3-7D7F9BB9456F.webm (428x238, 1.49M)

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He didn't quite get all of that

Based modified pele kick


Is this slowed down?

I see why Elias hardly wrestles anymore, and just does concerts. The guy sucks ass in the ring.

Elias just expects the flippy man to auto rotate in the air.

Too bad ricoshit didn't break his neck

I can't tell if Ric was going for a flying arm bar or a hurricanrana. Either Elias should have sold like he got kicked in the head instead jumping to the side two seconds too late.

Elias doesn't do anything these days.

What happened.
He was white hot a few months ago, and was getting a face push.....Then it all just kind of stopped.

he works for the wwe user that's just what happens

is this on elias

honestly they played it off a lot better than the women typically do

that's not saying much but its true

They put a fuck load of effort into him and got nothing out of it so they stopped trying.

Some guys just don't have it. It's all well and good to make the crowd boo by saying I THING LOCAL SPORTS TEAM SUCKS but his album flopped

I think his last big solo thing was when he went back to being a heel by beating up Jeff Jarrett, after that he just became a henchman for other guys.

no, it's WWE

He was super hot as a babyface and got bigger pops than Seth for 3 straight weeks, so they turned him back heel and buried him.

Elias has literally done nothing in his time on the main roster. Barely wrestles, every angle he's been involved in ends up getting cut or someone else gets involved for the payoff, he's just a gimmick. I would compare him to Adam Rose but at least Rose would actually work.

>Is the only main rosster talent who gets huge crowd reactions every week
>Has his entire babyface push derailed
>Becomes Shane'ss bitch
>Is humiliated by every legend
>Loses every match

Why did they do him dirty like this? The guy can talk, is over huge and looks like a million bucks.

His body is weird and he looks like a frog

I don't give a fuck who gets pisssy over this opinion or not because it ain't an opinion, it's a fact: 20 years ago when wresstling was at it's peak, a guy with his looks and who got crowd reactionss that big every week for his promos would have the freedom to go out there and bury everyone on the mic and get over even more and make everyone a lot of money
>Oh but he can't work all that well
No one gives a shit. Being a good worker has never in the history of mainstream western wrestling been a factor on whether you're a star or not. Elias is example #1 of why this business in the shit street it is. The guy should be main eventing.

Attached: THEYETEEEEEEE.jpg (650x366, 68K)

>went back to being a heel by beating up Jeff Jarrett
Good lord, how much must Elias suck if people prefer Jeff Jarrett over him?

you're not wrong but name one guy who the e has actually handled well over the past 5 years or so. you shouldn't be surprised.

They didn't. Elias kept being cheered so they demoted him even more.

He could be a lot higher on the card if they pushed him as a babyface, had him insult rivals of a city and praise the city he was in instead of insult the city and praise the rivals and had him shit on the heels and beat up heels of today and heel legends of yesteryear. For whatever reason, WWE is allergic to pushing people that got over off of talking and persona and he's "getting X when he should be getting Y" and "he's not good enough in the ring." Who gives a fuck about this workrate b.s. The 4 biggest moneymakers WWE has had in the past almost 40 years are Hogan, Austin, The Rock and Cena. There's nothing they did physically that Elias can't do. You look at the industry leader in the United States and its pushing people like Ricochet and shitting on Elias. No wonder American wrestling is at its nadir of popularity.

*Fingers your butt in your path

>selling that

Attached: kemonito fed up.webm (414x298, 2.53M)


fuck flippy shit is awful

The entire WWE infrastructure is built around keeping people from becoming stars. It's literally the intention. I dont know why this is difficult.

This is some strong cope. Elias can't wrestle but he's got the look.

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He just looks like a buff damien sandow


fucking hell
I suppose it's because I never watch it and saw every G1 shows so it looks even slower

Thats shitty creatives fault and not his.

So this is the "better version" of Osprey that Seff was talking about? I don't know what's worse, the running or the execution.

Elias somehow got worse in the ring, since his time in NXT. How is that even possible?

PC is a meme. I don't know how Gable is so good with so little experience and never worked indies(as far as I know). I guess his amateur wrestling background helped him a lot. Shame that despite being so good he will never go anywhere.

He's a one note meme character they tried to push into the mainstream, it failed, they stopped putting so much resources into him. Turns out only wrestling fans are big enough losers to listen to a pro wrestler who plays guitar and sings stupid joke songs

huh what u mean?

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Gable sought out pro-wrestling training before he ever signed with WWE.

Ricochet literally runs the ropes like a woman.

This can't be real.

Oh it is. Bad timing, lighting, he was exhaling, etc. But real

It's not, look at the wall behind him.


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still better than who japan

He should cut his hair, or shave. One or the other.
He looks like a fucking ball sack.

It's just shoddy brickwork. Quite common in middle school gyms built in the 1940s.

Because at the end of the day, everyone needs to go out there and wrestle a match, and if a guy can't be trusted to do that, pushing him is pointless.

elias is brilliant on the mic and a bit of a shitter in the ring

Austin Hogan and Rock are the three biggest names in wrestling and they all had about 5 moves each.

name elias' 5 moves

Theres a reason nobody pretends Elias is good, hes not. He has a good look and a gimmick people like. Hes good for non wrestling roles, garbage fights, horns tag team where someone else does the work.

I wish he'd bash his guitar over people's heads. I know why he can't, but it would be better than shitty back shots.

Screw Elias when's this CHAD gettin the call-up?!

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how is that elias' fault and not ricochet? you flippy shit apologist smark bastard.

Eric Boogerhaven is based tbqh

Scoop slam, belly to back suplex, shoulderbreaker, canadian backbreaker, neckbreaker and his finishes.

Is he even with WWE? Havent seen him since he did he thing months ago

here you go bro, an instructional video since you obviously don't watch wrestling