He would be the top heel in the business

He would be the top heel in the business.

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He is literally Cena, squeaky clean face of the company to the public, uppity douche behind the scenes.

t. Stillwell

Homelander did nothing wrong

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Show worth pirating?

that plane scene was fucked up

But seriously, anyone looked at how Vought was just like WWE?

The scene where A-Train is talking to the cancer kid, it reminded me of all those videos where Cena is talking to the Make-A-Wish Foundation cancer kids.

That’s every billion dollar publicly traded company.

Steph said that philanthropy is the best form of marketing in a tweet before she deleted it. These companies do nice things to push their product.

even being so retarded you watch this show
oh what am I saying you losers watch fucking wrestling

Unironically kill yourselves you fucking reddit spastics.

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This. Homelander is a product of a corrupt system. Butcher is the real villain.

>he browses r/television
Maybe you should go back, niggerfaggot

It's good shit.

I know right? It went on for so long and really highlighted the struggle and terror of his companion and the passengers as they realized that the plane was doomed. I love it

I don't watch tv, who is this and why should I care?

Homelander from the show "The Boys", basically it's anti-capeshit capeshit.

no nigger you have shit taste, wipe the poop off your tongue and stop licking your dogs asshole.

I read the comics years ago; is the show anything like the comic?

they're both terrible reddit shit if that's what you mean

No and that's a good thing

And yet here you are on wrestling board

Fuck off with the capeshit

>Implying Homelander is a real Villian and not a satire on the idea that Superman was a product of his upbringing
Homelander is just what if Superman was raise by mega-corps

I'm only here to make fun of people like you

see how easy it was

I haven't watched the show, but that scene makes me want to. The way he goes from Steve Rogers to "GET THE FUCK BACK OR I WILL LASER YOU" is incredible.