*doesnt get over on the big stage because joshishit is cringe and appeals to a very small and very specific group of...

*doesnt get over on the big stage because joshishit is cringe and appeals to a very small and very specific group of weird losers in the west in your path*

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It's true.

She didn't get over because she's a fucking asian pirate

Explain why Asuka was over for years until both she and the fans stopped caring and she started playing videogames all day

100% true
The same fate awaits Io shitrai

Right, I'm sure being booked like shit and eating every pin isn't hurting

Asuka was over in Full Sail which is a very specific group of weird losers in the west

or because americans have shit taste

True, I prefer somalian pirates, they have AK-47 and RPG

Hojo was never really that good. She’s just cute

Literally no one but a few losers care about Joshits

she was never over on the main roster
nxt over means nothing because it's the same fucking people that go to the tapings every show
they just get into shit out of repetitiveness

>he thinks she should be a world beater when she dances around like an anime cartoon and does weird faggy freeze frame anime poses and boops her oponents on the nose

she was just as over if not more than bliss tonight despite having .01% of the time, effort and push that bliss continuously gets, the crowd absolutely died when she pinned her. So explain that?

you were saying blisstard?

Attached: bliss cringe.webm (998x680, 1.58M)

okay but what you just said wasn't true and she wasn't over outside of nxt

Holy fucking delusion
You weren't watching at all tonight. She got zero reaction with everything and i'm saying this an unironic rat hater

Nobody was over in that match, though. What's the reason for Alexa and Nikki?

>blisscel logic

Attached: FaceApp_1564205592091.jpg (125x167, 19K)

Buzz Lightyear is a household name worldwide and a certified draw

how does this prove asuka was over you fucking mong


you could hear a mouse fart when bliss pinned her with her shitty "botching twist flop"

how does this prove asuka was over you fucking mong

>she was never over on the main roster



Talking about Kairi obviously.
Asuka goes without saying, she always was and will be over and got the SD title because of the fans only. So it's not really worth arguing with dumdums about that

>crowd_scream.mp3 plays over the house speakers

Fatgooka is not over weeb
Deal with it

>and got the SD title because of the fans only.
kek and why did she lose it the week before mania on an unannounced tv match then, mr. insider?

that doesn't even make sense because they would've used it for Charles

charlotte was a heel you fucking retard

everyone knows why
>ESPN: Daughter of Ric Flair

its not fair I just want Kairi to be happy

Attached: kairisane_wwe_22069536_493310891034230_1739218926019018752_n.jpg (1080x1200, 83K)

why do you weirdos make up headcanon as if wwe feels beholden to make ric fucking flair of all people look good or do him a favor

>they pumped in crowd noise for Asuka so they could pick Charlotte

Attached: what.gif (298x150, 3.86M)


It wasnt about Ric, Do you seriously not know the story?
Becky/Ronda/Charlotte were on ESPN and the former 2 had stuff about their championships listed while all it said about Charles was "Daughter of Ric Flair"
This threw her and Vince into a rage and they literally had her take the title next show, that's why that match came out of absolutely nowhere.

She is happy

She's probably making good money, user. And who knows she might get a pity run a couple years from now.

Attached: pufu tamu.jpg (338x419, 12K)

Pretty sure Charlotte was still supposed to be a face at that point

The crowd got most excited when she and Asuka did offense. That being said it's impossible to get over when you barely appear. They already have her an Asuka on mute so the only way to connect would be in the ring but they are NEVER IN THE RING.

And Paige, who supposes to be the mouth for the girls, hasn't done any worthy shit. She didn't even show up in Toronto.

She didn't even start turning heel until Survivor Series and then was all over the place for weeks until finally going full blown heel at Royal Rumble

That's because Paige was over for her look and some of the in ring stuff. She was never over on for the mic skills. Just look at how Absolution fell apart the moment she couldn't wrestle. Or her short stint as GM.

Incorrect, fuck knuckle. They had Lynch hug Charlotte at this point, they had all the other babyfaces congratulate her at being chosen to face Rousey.

Boring pit

This and also kairi is delegated to the back for no reason.
You have this chick in every rumble thing for 3 years then bring her up behind 2 people.
Imo bliss is too op and annoying. She wins and it just takes me out of it. I can see why sashas self mark ass doesnt like her.
If they were smart they'd have kairi feuding on smack with ember and bayley. Then have her suprisingly beat Charles. Charles goes ape shit. Asuka helps. Then Asuka turns heel on kairi because she wants the belt.
Asuka heel vs kairi face. Idc who wins

>booked like shit
>taken off tv for several months
>w...why isn't she over

Typical Vince burying NXT talent. He does this shit to pretty much every call up the past 4 years.

Becky was booked like shit for 3 fucking years and stayed over. These chinks just don't have it.

>actively lying

asuka is already appearing on the promo shit solo so looks like she will go back to singles and who knows with seiko. maybe she'll go back to nxt and her and lo will be repackaged.

>kairi is constantly out of place
>constantly fucks up and botches
>always fucks up and does her gay cartoon schtick where she pantomimes or does an anime pose while everyone else is having a match and no sells her stupid shit
yeah nah its vinces fault though

kairi is cute!! CUTE!!

Attached: lol.png (407x220, 26K)

This pic isnt funny you cumbrain

Suck a log of shit jew