Drinking cocktails at dinner

>drinking cocktails at dinner

does anybody *actually* do this? i've literally never had a mixed drink with food in my life, only the occasional beer.

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Clearly you don’t go to pick up cougars at the local Applebee’s often.

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how do you not understand that the food is all set up for the show? clearly it's a promo for applebees who want to show off that they offer cocktails. you fuckin dumb mark

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>Any excuse to show Bliss with Braun
>Buddy getting buried by Roman after getting buried by Rowan
Poor buddy

I cant understand how people can even feel the effects of alcohol with food in their stomach

tell me more

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Are you underaged or are you just not very social? This is a really weird thread, I think it would be better on /ck/ or something. I can't believe you wouldn't understand adults drinking while eating that's a pretty common thing all over the world in every culture.

Every time I've been to Las Iguanas.
They do mad deals on the cocktails so it would be rude to not get 2 pitchers of tasty booze to wash down the banging food.

Why does Bliss have a steak and fries and an extra order of fries while Ember is just eating salad?

Whose hand did he forget to shake

Lol what? Alcohol doesn't really work like that

Applebee’s on Friday is often full of single women in their mid to late 30’s going out and getting drinks with the girls. All you have to do is say something to one of them and the whole group bites. They really encourage each other to get dick. Like cumming on fish in a barrel.

Some states make it illegal to serve drink without a meal...

To a degree it does, but you have to eat a ton

I had a margarita with my dinner at the Mexican place today

They ate at an actual restaurant? Usually it's just some "closed unknown restaurant" but it's just a set in catering.

the trick is to drink excessively

Cause Ember is fat and Bliss isn't. Alexa is bulking up.

I cant drink and eat, makes me sick

Which one did Braun nail after dinner? Alexa again...or did he try the dark meat this time?

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The 10 am to close crowd is rowdy and cheap booze/food lowers their standards.
Also the only acceptable alcoholic beverages to eat meals with are.
>Various beers
My grandma never drinks at home or at parties but take her out to eat she almost always accompanies each me will a glass of budlight possibly two depending on how long we are there. Its the damndest thing.
>Any rum/whiskey + coke
>Scotch on the Rocks

Braun is too beta to fuck either one.

Braun never "nailed" Blissy, she is waiting for marriage. Buddy needs to pull the trigger already.

Ember has a bit of a belly.

Lol she gave up being a vegetarian

You clearly dont drink a lot/often/and fast. I killed a 1.75 liter bottle of vodka from NXT Takeover torontos 8/10 Saturday 7 pm start until the g1 b blocks finish sunday 8/11 just before 8 am. Slept woke up did some shit and drank the rest from summerslam start(didnt drink during preshow was doing a lot of cooking and preparation) 8/11 7pm and finished drinking(bottle done) at 5 am this morning 8/12.

damn, i wish i had a car


Ember is in better shape than you will ever be in your entire life simp

Based alcoholic user.

At mexican restaurants, yes

Lexi eating makes me happy

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My favorite cocktail is rum & COPE

I'm partial to everclear and HAWAIIAN PUNCH

Braun is a numale simp

Nigger are you actually trying to brag that it took you the best part of two days to put down 59 ounces of booze?

My man

reminder that rumchata is grain alcohol and semen

Braun is shoot, and I mean shoot gay.