His entire job is to watch wrestling

>his entire job is to watch wrestling
>doesn't watch wrestling

Attached: BryanAlvarez2019.jpg (587x433, 47K)

I want to slap this little motherfucker

Based. Fuck wrestling.

>backyard wrestler
>never wrestled for a major promotion or won a notable title
>autistic marks take his word as gospel

are you stupid? Nobody cares what bryan thinks about matches. they just like hearing him rant.

>autistic marks like to hear a dwarf never-was' rants about pro wrestling

even worse, man.

Minus 5-stars!


>make 6 figures watching wrestling
>gets paid to shoot the shit with his two fat friends every tuesday
>legit blackbelt in BJJ
>has had sex (at least twice)
>looks in his 20s despite being over 40
>goes on holiday multiple times per year
>first name basis with every legend in the business
he's based as fuck ya simp

Attached: bryan-alvarez-pro-wrestling-wiki-divas-knockouts-resultados.jpg (366x500, 57K)


>defending a literal nobody

reevaluate your life, my man.

Is he the world's whitest half-mexican? How weak are mexican genes exactly?

he's a quadroon

He's the absolute worst


this unironically made me seethe. He has time to watch RAW every week, but he can't take 90 minutes to watch the block matches so he can actually talk about it on the radio?

His main job is host radio shows and to add colour do Dave's dry rundowns.

Why does he hate Rob so much? He flies into a rage when he does literally anything.

Observer is 70% e-drone cesspool. He has to watch RAW.

Where do you think we are?