An injured rollins beat brock clean

>an injured rollins beat brock clean
not even roman reigns was this powerful

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and i could shoot kick his as which makes this completely unwatchable

This. I’d fucking body this cunt in real life with complete and utter ease.

Damn me too, I'd totally kick his ass because I'm so fucking badd ass. What a GEEK!

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Imagine the promo tomorrow

why are Yea Forumsies so badass?

It's quite simple my friend. Show up to wrestlers court, bottles of jack for the BSK, run the gaunlet of pure strikes, and maybe if you're baddass enough you're finally get a clue. See ya at 0600 kid, sharp.

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the low blow to brock and beating him was realistic but beating brock with broken ribs in a long ass match sounds like complete bullshit

its pretty much like ziggler beating goldberg clean

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but it was rhetorical, sir

You've done it now!

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It's his reward for being a good drone.

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You will be judged by a jury of baddasses. Good luck, punk!

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A man half Brock's size, gimpy knees, and "injured riblets" can beat him.

The State of Brock
The State of WWE

Prowrestling today is the drizzling shits.

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>WWE today is the drizzling shits


Like him or not, that was a pretty good match.

Nobody gives a fuck workratefag
The shit makes absolutely nonsense and it's one of the dumbest booking of the decade.
People complain about kayfabe, shit like that absolutely make wrestling look fake and gay. How is a fucking broken rib guy able to even last 5 minutes in the ring with Lesnar? Let alone beat him CLEAN!


If anybody has seen actual combat sports, rib injuries are no joke. You'd be fucked in a fight big time.

its ok when they did this with corbin but this is way too much

You can fight with rib injuries dumbass, you'd just be at a disadvantage, but that goes for any injury. Brock got cocky and underrated Seth in his current state and got stomped (literally), so to say lMaO bUt WhAt aBoUt tHe rIb iNjuRy makes you sound like a salty mark. Get a clue.

Break your ribs and then try to shoot fight someone.

Seth is just that damn good, cry more

Someone never had bruised ribs, maybe you should leave the house every now and then for some life experience before you speak to someone

Yeah just look at all those dimes he's drawing. Oh wait

Not that guy, but are they really doing better with a part time wrestler having the belt?

No wrestler has drawn a dime since the year 2000 you retard

>No wrestler has drawn a dime since the year 2000 you retard

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No, those other 2 anons could kick his ass but you're a geeky loser

>Wouldn't let Punk beat Brock at SS 6 years ago
>Lets Sethetty go over clean with shitty ribs

What about seth doing multiples splashes that would obliterate his broken ribs? He has zero ring awareness and psychology