I want to believe

I want to believe.

Attached: go kairi.jpg (592x345, 84K)

say what you want about seth and roman and brock but you fucking weeb twitter dorks are going to be the ones to kill wwe with your gay joshi garbage that no one but you weird bald manlets like

i thought it already happened on summerslam?

Meh who cares taking it off the Iiconics would've been great, getting it from Blissetty because she exploded again is just whatever


Imagine thinking in any way that Kairi Sane is responsible for WWE woes
Holy cringola

I dunno bro, it seemed like Bliss just did a face turn

They'll have to get the belt off Blissetty, if they're really going to do the tri brand defenses they don't want to aggravate her cte

Kairi still believes in the most pure side of the business. In this disgusting era of the marks and the works and the fakes, Kairi wants people to believe in the heroes instead of being a cynical asshole.

So yeah, I might have become a cynycal asshole because of you retards and this shit board, but for once, I want to believe she can do it. If anything just to prove this shit busines isn't as lost as people think.

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Very interesting that she specifically mentions all three brands which gives me a bit a hope but... Vince & Alexa, he's a a complete simp under her spell

I believe someone in WWE Creative wrote that tweet for her, because it comes across as that robotic, meme-worded up shit they usually come up with for everything else. "Heated battles" is a dead giveaway.

Do jews know anything else other than this and bbc?

Nah, they went full TNA and used the PPV to build to a match on free television.

I remember some months back, a tismic user said that these two Vietnamese would leave Summerslam as the champions. Pic related. Since it's just one day removed, I'll cut him some slack and allow his boast to carry through tomorrow. If they lose, we must forever treat all Joshi fans as the smoothbrained stooges they are.

Attached: Early Call.jpg (979x286, 70K)

Io isn't champ though

Honestly, if Vince never wanted the titles then they shouldgive them to the Kabuki girls and send them to NXT for a time. Literally the whole women tag division is there. You have Aliyah and Vanessa, Xia Li and Karen Q, Dakota Kai and her dog lover partner, the horses, Catanzaro and Lacey Lane. Hell you can even partner Io with Bianca as they tried on a house show. Why the fuck are those titles being wasted in the main roster?

worked. she's the opposite of an idealist. she believes in the price of material "fashion". which is funny because her gimmick is a pirate

buying expensive stuff has nothing to do with being an idealist

eh it's kinda of stiff though, its wrote the way someone who's not a native speaker is trying to be careful to word everything correctly

well they were, but now it's 2 weeks in a row where the titles are defended on Raw, I'd like to complain but they are being featured as of now

do me a favor, start using a trip so i can filter you

Go back.

you just restated me. thanks. but for what point?

ONE DDT to Fatsuka will send these dweebs back to catering

Opposed to looking at bliss wrong and she gets concussed

Fuck off

Kys kike

She's had less concussions than Kairi.

Sure doesnt wrestle like it. Brittle bitch bliss still flinches at strikes

Based seiko "fighting spirit" hojo