APOLOGIZE to 5 star Trish

APOLOGIZE to 5 star Trish

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I tuned out cause it was a women's match. Was it any good or "women" good?

Still cant cut a promo to save her life

Based Trish carrying Charles

she is such fucking trash bro like i cant


Women good, but better than average women good.

women good

Good plus Trish let out a very audible BRAP

I never doubted here. just the entire current women division.

Did she get another boob job? Good match though

Are you fucking insane? Trish is great at promos

That shit wasnt even 3 stars

>trish is great at promos
Name 5 great promos shes cut
I love trish bro, but shes always been weak at promos, her delivery just isnt up to snuff.

it wasn't even good, sympy send off match for trish

It was fucking terrible. People are blind thinking it was good. All the moves were too obvious co-operation (like Charlotte carrying Trish so Trish could hit her move). People are just worked becase Trish did the Figure-8.

It was the worst match on the show.

Litaetty BTFO!!!

You're either on meds or just an idiot

It was very slow and by the numbers. But at least it wasn't sloppy and Charles indeed tried to make Trish look good. If it had been Becky vs Trish it would've been a botchfest. 6/10

>worst match on the show.
>Not Kofi's
go to bed incel

Watching now. That hurricarana followed by the 2nd rope springboard bulldog at the start was trash

Was it a bra and panties match or a mud wrestling match?


Bikini contest?