What the fuck is wrong with Vince

What the fuck is wrong with Vince.

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Based Vince

Unironically Based. Fuck Indians and fuck white trash like Mickie James for claiming a heritage that isn't hers.

That all sounds cool though, what the fuck is her problem?

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She wants to get fired, huh

Probably. Apparently she knows something about NWA from her husband that we don't.

Vince is responsible for every one of these missing women.

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>be white wrestler in mexico
>want me to play the 'american' angle
>have to wave a us flag and chant 'build the wall'
>special move is 'the deporation'
but like, thats not who I aaaaaaaaaam

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It's not her "MILF" gimmick that she stole from American Pie, a shitty teen movie from 20 years ago that Vince probably never heard of.

And Vince's idea of an indian gimmick would have been based as fuck. Imagine every week a different diva could manipulate her, like trade a title shot for a strand of beads, or give her blankets that make her sick and they take her spot on the card. They could even start moving her back to different shows, starts on RAW, goes to Smackdown, then gets moved to NXT until they start their own, smaller developmental territory in the Southwest.

the best part about Adonis' character is that mexican women love him and would constantly ask him for autographs

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thats bullshit

the scalping angle sounded pretty dope though

Vince is a 70 year old rich white guy.
Are people honestly shocked he's a bit racist?...

Where did they go?

There's a zero (0) percent chance Vince knows about the smallpox blankets. I'm sure all he's ever learned about Indians is Thanksgiving and scalping.

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Will the AEW trannies accept her?

My house.

No. Mickie. What are you doing?

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Vince's thinking probably didnt go much further beyond 'a big indian headdress thing will look good on tv running down the ramp'

The rap group?

Vince McMahon refers to Rey Mysterio as a “pepper belly” kek

Or just gluing some feathers to a bikini.

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Lmao at timber niggers. Just give them some fire water so they can kill themselves.

I'm 46 percent native and i take great offense to that.

We prefer the term Prairie nigger you're insensitive jerk


>be Vince McMahon
>make your employees multi-millionaires and world-famous celebrities for 4 decades
>shitter who made more money under you than she ever would have doing any other job has the nerve to denigrate you afterwards
>this keeps happening
How does Vince put up with it for all these years? These carnies are such ingrates.

But why would Mexicans care about the wall? Do they actually think they have a right to just waltz in to America?

She doesn't need him. She is a popular singer as well and almost won an award for it once.

>tfw Native American enough to be a ridiculous alcoholic
why didn't the white people leave us alone bros?

Is this real?

Not only that but they expect a job and free healthcare as soon as they put one foot over the border.

imagine if europeans never travelled to the americas or africa, never

It would be like Wakanda

there was a place and time Mongols could have fucked up white people forever....look into it is is interesting


>master race

Lol dumb gringo

exactly, he replied to a post about africa and the americas talking about mongols

>implying you understand greentext that well

As a person who is 1/85th Native American and born out a family line that got raped by the british I find the audacity this man has unbelievable.

7/10 tummy. Would lick.

>Native Alcoholics
Literally who gives a fuck?

The smallpox blankets didn't even exist. Not in the way it's taught anyway. Settlers had no idea what viruses were.

I hate when white people claim they have native american heritage.

So tell us faggot how is your love for chief strongbow?


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I love how blacks champion the 1 (one) civilized group of blacks and don't see how funny it is they only have one to use as an example.

>le racist
Nah. He's not racist. He's a smart guy. He's from a different time so he might be a little genuinely ignorant, but I doubt that too, his business is politics and pop culture, it's probably more a case of him resisting the change in our culture to become more sensitive over time. It's worth noting that he does "oh you're 1% X, then you can have an X stereotype gimmick" with everyone. You would have to think he is also a patriot and therefore surely has some respect for the history of America including the idea of it's native people.

It's sad what happened to the Native Americans bros. They had a lot of interesting things they could've taught us. The real shame is not what happened back then but what happened in the last 50 years where ya could've made things right, but instead ya made things worse, buried the Nativies, lost ya connection to the Earth and to God, and now all your kids are tranny school shooters who act like wiggers and your daughters fuck blacks. You played yourself. The Natives would've stopped this if you had've listened to them instead of listening to blue haired milennials with disney tattoos.


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As soon as I read Chris Benoit's name, I knew how that story was going to end. That man was too Based & Redpilled for this world

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