Big E: "I have no desire to go to the White House."

Big E was recently asked a tough question by Donagh Corby of Mirror Sport about whether the New Day would go to the White House if they were invited.

>“Oh man, obviously, we’re not a big fan of what’s going on with the administration. I can’t say it would be something I’d be excited to do so I have no desire to go to the White House.”

>“We have a lot of problems in our country — it’s a beautiful country and there’s a lot to celebrate and applaud, but just a lot of rhetoric that comes out of the White House is obviously something that we’re not supportive of. So, I have no desire to go to the White House anytime soon.”

>“When there’s a man in the White House that we really respect I think there might be an opportunity to go, but I don’t think there’s any invitation that’s going to be extended anytime soon, so I don’t think it’s really any concern.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn, I like E but I this sentiment is so gay.

no u

>invited to the white house and bring your toy belts

this groid is out of his mind

What you huh mean?

Hopefully Big N kneels during the National Anthem at Mania this year and Cena/Miz/Orton aka The Marines pop him in the back of the head.

Based. Fuck tRUmp

if amerilards didn't have subjects like Trump and Covington they'd be Sweden tier

Fuck Trump

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Why would a wrestler be invited to the White House?

what if he won a world championship?

Because he is black and black people built the white House retard


kill yourself

this pancake tossing dipshit really thinks he's hot shit. he's the third wheel in a comedy faction, but he acts like he's Rock or Austin. idiot.

There are a lot of problems and they're caused by the liberals, blacks, and antifa. Is there something Im missing?

I'm gonna send Big E an email containing information that incriminates Hillary Clinton

>world championship
>fake plastic belt that was given to you by WWE writing staff

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rip in piece user


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>Is there something Im missing?
A brain.

You have to pretend that CNN tells the truth

>antifa guy has muscles

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what fucking turbofaggot made this?

>pretending to be disgusted while slyly looking for the source


Sorry Big E, but only certified DIMES are invited to the WHITE House.

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Pick one

So many marks and terrorists in this picture

Dont mess with HHHillary. You ding-dong diddly boutta get buried brother

Where's his left hand?

Blacks siding with Mexicans over de ebil wymayne shows just how incredibly stupid they are. Ingrates.

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>I wonder if this uppity homosexual negro places any value on white customs...

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Mountain Dew and Vlogging?

inane, uninformed commentary and nigger semen?

Your post is invalid.

If he actually wanted to have any credibility, he'd not wrestle on the Saudi Arabian shows...

>putting pussy on this high of a pedestal
worked yourself

I know adderal-doped and controlled-asset Trump loves black entertainers, but there's still no way he'd have the new day there.

Only people who win real titles in real sports get invited

Blacks? no
Far leftist such as Woke democrats and Antifa? Yes, they are the root of all problems in the culture war and are gonna cause a civil war.

Trump should invite Virgil into the white house

They can't even decide what gender they are. The civil war would be stopped in an hour if you promise they can all have a free sex change surgery

>Blacks? no
jesus fucking christ have some self respect you r/the_donald cartoon

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>areas with more things to steal have more theft
Holy fucking shit I am now truly redpilled thank you fellow magapede

Why do americans make so many excuses for your blacks? it's pathetic

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t. Tyrone

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have sex

>Black fag who constantly cries about racism won't show off his fake title at the White House because "ORANGE MAN BAD AND RAICYSS"

Wow...imagine my shock when I read this. Really ground breaking stuff here, user.

>Wow...imagine my shock when I read this. Really ground breaking stuff here, user.
Black people tend to be incredibly racist, no surprise he's not going to see whitey.

>Because he is black and black people built the white House retard
Is the white house made of cotton?

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I don't rape women like you Tyrone

The Irish slaves who built the physical infrastructure of the early United States have been all but erased from history.
People whose sole job was to tend crops suddenly built the entirety of the nation.


>won't listen to crime statistics
get the fuck off this board reddit

Oh man, Big E, self-proclaimed saviour of the black man, at it again.


Pick cotton

What happened to niggers? If this was previous decade they would go to pimp smack Trump. Now they do silent protests like beta whitoid simps
You've been posting the same image for over two years. Have sex.

are trannies actually using dilate as an insult? are they completely retarded?

>If this was previous decade
In the previous decade, they were aspiring to be Trump and rapping about being the black Trump.

Without the monkey king in charge they realize they aren't as powerful. When they get mad they throw caution out the window and prepare to die

He's used that image at least once a week since March of 2017. Sad!

>angry because people with an ideology he dislikes have come to a place he considers his own and made it worse for him to be in
>he wants these people to go back where they came from
leftists complaining about muh paul is absolute pottery

I don't post on Yea Forums ya magacuck

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Reminder that Big E FAILED as a singles wrestler. He was a botch machine who failed to get over without this shitty SJW New Day gimmick.

>over two years straight
Have sex

take your own advice, virgin
and get a clue while you're at it

>over two years straight
>n-no u-u
Sex. Have it.

>When there’s a man in the White House that we really respect
Like the neocon mulatto fraud who spent 12 years LARPing as MLK?

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t. virgin

Detective user exposing obsessed trannies.

>calls himself a virgin
lmfao learn how that meme works ya seething incel

*Slowly takes off sunglasses and rubs the spot above my nose*

Ladies and gentleman, I have no issues with African Americans. I believe there are many black people who are trying to make the best for themselves, who are trying to earn an honest wage and not bother anyone. There are black people in this world who only want to do their part in society.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, I have no issue with black people: that is, people who are black. People as in those who speak a language with a somewhat normal consistency. People who use words within the language.

All of this being said, there is something I need to get off my chest.

Ladies and gentleman, I hate niggers.

Yes, I said it. I hate the "urban dictionary, hip-hoppin', fried chicken eatin', drug dealin', loudest in the room like a child throwing a tantrum,' niggers.

Allow me to explain:

this is a black man -

and this is a nigger -

black men -

niggers -

Now I'm sorry to say, but while Xaiver woods is an excitable black man, and Kofi is a cool and calm black man, Big E is a nigger. Big E is a big titted, eye bulging, pancake loving n-i-g-g-e-r

It goes without saying that the street profits are niggers. "we want the smoke" "senpai" -- these are nigger words

Now, when niggers come on my tv -- or people who want to be niggers like the usos -- I change the channel.

Many people change the channel. Black people also hate niggers.

So in conclusion, niggers ruin wrestling. And I for one refuse to have my IQ lowered by niggers, so I simply do not watch.

This is why NJPW is my go to

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>12 years
dumb cunt

Fuck off cuck, of course you have issues with Africans - EVERYONE does

>blacks think Latinos and Asians will treat them better than whites have
Must be that 85 IQ I've heard so much about.

Obama came on the scene in '04, zoomer. Dilate.

>but just a lot of rhetoric that comes out of the White House is obviously something that we’re not supportive of.

So is Big E saying he's a white supremicist?


based retard

Based as fuck, and Bluepilled

Volcels are the most powerful race

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Imagine being killed at a Walmart by one of these 4 channel fags. If I weren't already dead, I'd kill myself.

lmao att shane only having sons and steph only daughters. the mcmahons always come out on top

You're far safer at Walmart than in a black neighborhood.

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drumpf only eats mcdonalds and KFC,just imagine the smell of the oval office right now


If Trump has done anything good as President it's exposing a lot of people for the brainless simps they really are.

Mmmmmmmm that's pretty hot

fingering the cunny

Based stonetoss

>>“Oh man, obviously, we’re not a big fan of what’s going on with the administration

Why "obviously"? Because you're pressuring other bulbasaurs into abiding your agenda, feeling compelled to due to their skin color?
Sad brainwashing. Sad!

>Antifa that ripped
Antifa fags are literal twinks and landwhales.

Donald Trump is a terrible President.

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>A man chose not to go to the White House
>Fags vibrating

>misses the point
Don't get worked, simpy


>Don't get worked
>Gets worked by a nigger
Why are trannies like this?

The chance won't come again. Only reason wrasslers are invited now is because Trump has connections to the WWE.

ya seethe?

ya boiling?

ya fuming?

ya simmer?

You could always tell he was like this. He's like one of those typical pretend aloof black guys that secretly despises whites but keeps it inside but lets it out every now and then with comments like this and his comments on Hogan.

>Black people having more jobs under Trump than any other president before

so fragile. go back to bed.

Yes I am the fragile one not the pretend fighter refusing to goto the whitehouse

I think that first part really explains their hatred more. They're pissed that he's making them actually do work instead of just 'gibs me dat' hand outs like Obama.

why didnt trump invite roman reigns?

Blacks are children. They will refuse to see any Republican president unless that republican president is a cuck and gives reparations. They do not give a single fuck about this country just who gives them shit lucky for us this can't go on forever

just when you think New Day can't get any more based

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>You could always tell that Big E publicly accepting Hogan's face-to-face apology showed how much he despises white people deep down.
Yeah, you are pretty much a soft little bitch

This is the problem with liberals. They declare victory before actually achieving victory and it bites them in the ass time and time and time again.

>I have no desire to go to the White House
Who invited him?

no u

>hypothetically if the president invited me to come to the whitehouse over fake fighting and brin my plastic toy belts I would refuse because he tweets mean things

Nothing is softer than this

It's like those communists who chant "Communism will win" like cultists then you ask them how they will achieve that and they reply with "Communism will win"

I wish President Trump would invite The Undertaker and Kane to the white house. Fuck the fags on the modern roster.

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seething this hard over anyone saying a president with a 40% approval rating sucks says different, cucksworth.

>seething in such petty fashion you wouldn't go see the president when he calls you up because orange man tweet bad things

This is why he barely wrestles these days. He's so fragile he might shatter.

This nigger doesn’t need to worry about it because he’s not fit to meet the mayor of a town of 50 people let alone the greatest man who ever lived. This stupid faggot can fuck right back off to Africa if he hates this country so much. Either that or he can sell himself into slavery like a Jew ass bitch.

>be Big E
>has a career where he pretend fights for a living
>gets to travel the world while doing this
>is very well paid doing it
>is world famous
>still hates white people

literally LITERALLY can't please niggers.

>Wouldn't want to smile for photos with a racist boomer who tells American citizens to go back to where they came from.
Bootlickers can't understand

This, desu.

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What is wrong with what he said? If you hate this country then leave. Liberals literally threaten this every time a republican wins the presidency now they are offended by it.

lmao. what an idiotic question. as much as the reputation of the white house has been tarnished over the years, hosting this pancake-tossing minstrel act would be the ultimate nadir.

>Clinton lied to the country and cheated on his wife getting a blow job at the oval office with an intern
>Bush Jr got us into wars that still to this day ruined the world, he also said dumb things daily
>Obama continued those wars, escalated some, was the president to show up the most on comedic tv shows
>Oh yea only now the presidency is tarnished with orange man tweeting things

I mean, come on.

Fucking 100% this

>“We can’t do anything right. We’re a laughing-stock all over the world. The American dream is dead.”
Why didn't this faggot get on the boat back to Sheepfuck Island?

>Biggie? The rapper? Yes I've heard of him... oh Big E? The wrestler? Nope never heard of him

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>Tom Brady refuses to go to the White House while Obama was president
>Any athletes refuses to meet with Trump

Maybe because he's not a third-world immigrant like most leftists are. He didn't flee to this country as a child like most modern liberals did, or get shit out by an illegal immigrant looking for handouts.

Why lie though?

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>Obama's whitehouse makes a deflategate joke at Brady's expense
>Shocked he doesn't come that one time

Try harder with your false equivalencies.
You have to try harder here

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lol of course you're too much of a pussy to just say, 'Because he's white."

Why do liberals lie so much? Do they have any morals or even a soul?

So you're admitting that non-white people don't self-identify as Americans?

I'm glad the second amendment gives americans the right to shoot faggot pedophiles like Big E if he ever tried to attack or rape you (in self defense of course)

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Glad to see Vince isn’t still mad about their WrestleMania match

we need to peacefully separate the country, there is zero desire for reconciliation from anyone on any side

wrong. We need another civil war and the victors decide whats right and whats wrong

>deranged cult-like fantasizing about killing fellow Americans as enemies
waaait a minute, you're not leftists!

Well fracturing America is no better. If the US were to fracture the world would go to shit.

doesnt the world have a right to self determination?

If “American” is undefinable then there is no such thing and no nation to preserve.

It's defined in the constitution, ya simp

Sure, but I don't think the Russians will care about that right when their one big obstacle into Europe is gone.

Holy white fragility.

I'd respect people on the left infinitely more if they stopped inventing reasons to hate Trump. Not that his rhetoric is great, but if Big E said that he's opposed to what is being done in Syria or Yemen, then I couldn't complain since those are real moral issues.

>white people are terrible people they oppress me and do mean things and I am powerless to stop them
>I disagree

Isn’t that between them? What business is that to “Americans” unless you consider the U.S. to be a European country.

What did E ever say about Hogan that shows he despises white people, user?

Well if Russia takes over the entire Europe the next logical step is taking us over.

>wrestler invited to the White House
Has this ever happened or is he just bringing up FUCK DRUMPF for no reason?

Hulk Hogan has his personal life invaded and his private words recorded for the world and he uses it to play victim and pretend he was offended. He made the entire thing about himself even releasing an "official statement". He pretends behind close doors he doesn't say stupid shit himself.

You have no place here, r*ddit incel

KEK what a fragile bulbasaur

Literally the only person Big E is attacking is Trump. Not all white people.

Drop the persecution complex and muh white genocide bullshit dude.

who is >us? how do you define an ”american”? secondly, if there is such a thing as “american”, then it must be asked, who rules over us from wall street and would china or russia be worse than them?

he didn't bring it up, the interviewer did, based outragetist

How does Big E not have a persecution complex here? The man pretend fights for a living and won't visit the president because of tweets. At least if he said he didn't like Trump's stances on tariffs you could understand. Go see the president, take a picture, you show your kids the end. Liberals won't even hate Trump anymore in 10 years they already started changing their minds on GWB and he did considerably worse damage to this planet.

I mean the Russians will move troops and occupy the land we know today as the United States of America.

This is hilarious. It's like the interviewer doesn't know wrestling is fake. How else does that question make any sense at all?

who does the idea of trump represent? in reality he absolutely hasn’t done shit for them, and he would do anything to convince big e that he represents him. the idea of trump, that big e is attacking, is what it is.

>Kofi posted the statement
>Big E said Hogan deserves a second chance
Holy Fucking Fragola

How does Kofi posting it change anything? What a dumb fuck attempt at a semantic. Big E gave an extremely condescending statement about second chances as if Hogan just committed the Holocaust.

and what difference would that make in “american” lives?

>What's the deal with black people pretending to be offended when the biggest name to represent their business says he's a racist and hates niggers

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Why would Donald want fake fighters to bring their fake belt to the White House? Big E and New Day were never even invited.

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Whats Kane's take on Trump, being a libertarian and all?

Well with the kike bankers I can live a somewhat decent life and make it to ~65 with a wife and kids and be pretty fulfilled. At worst the Russians will execute me at gunpoint at best they will rape my family and force me into a gulag the rest of my life.

>Their "business" is fake fighting
Damn life is tough. I feel bad for them and not for the people who have to get real jobs and don't complain everyday.

>leftard needs to rape a woman to prove his point

Leaving the key part that Hogan does that privately and publicly nothing like that. Lets put a secret microphone on Big E and see the shit that comes out of his mouth

The weirdest perverts make the best writers

>implying blacks don't say much worse things about whitey
how about you hang yourself you fucking traitor

it would more likely be the chinese, but i dont think either of them would be worse than the current ruling class

I'd pay to hear a secret mic talk from the new day.
Kofi talking ebonics would be hilarious.

>Doesn't say racist shit publicly because it would hurt his bottom line, so can't actually believe what he says in private

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Why would the Chinese and Russians come here and give us a better life? Like yea I hate the ruling class too but no need to play stupid here.

Ya fuming lil' fella?

Yes whats weird about this? Almost every human being on the planet is like this. It's why HR exists. Oh you must be a NEET that's why you don't understand this.

You don't even have to secretly record him, just scroll thru his twitter feed and you're bound to find something fucked up he said, and that's not even getting into that phase he was actively trying to fuck Becky's mom.

>Can't provide anything racist Big E said that triggered me besides being black and answering a question
>But he must be say mean things about white people in private because no way I'm such a triggered fragile bitch
>KYS bleep bloop

>being this fragile
It doesn't take much to upset your kind

I do not like this nigger.

What the fuck is he talking about?

No WWE superstar has ever been invited to the White House. Even when Obama was in charge.

Imagine being such a fragile nigger that you have to make up hypothetical situations to virtue signal about

He literally just said he hates the president because he cares about white people

Quick reminder that antifa has killed 5 times the amount of people than republicans have

The interviewer did

>Triple Hector’s eyes are closed
Poor guy can never catch a break

He did it to protest


The people they killed were Nazis so it was justified sweetie

Big Smoothbrain

Too bad those jackasses wanted an extra 1.7% profit off of their cotton plantations. Its no different than the Koch brothers and their $3/hour Guatemalan strawberry picking slaves.

what would they do that would be worse than the status quo? outside of some cartoon caricature of them as some bloodthirsty super villains, coming to rape, murder and enslave “americans”, i just dont see what freedoms they would deprive us of, that our ruling class does not intend on doing the exact same thing if they havent begun to already.

>dislike trump
>dislike niggers
This is a toughie

Blacks are literally retarded and cannot form their own opinions. They just parrot what the TV tells them and what the blue checkmark kikes on Twitter tell them. Trump could literally give them reparations and they would still blindly hate him

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Posters here are literally retarded and cannot form their own opinions. They just parrot what Yea Forums tells them and what the mod kikes tell them. Chinkmoot could literally give them porn threads and they would still blindly hate him

Seething nigger. Go rob a convenience store


>tranny using dilate as an insult
Join the 41% you subhuman

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>being worked by a single word enough to post an image response

Pretty much this, it’s easy to gain brownie points for something you were never going to have the opportunity to do.

>complaining about images on an image board
Trannies aren’t very bright, huh?


I'm not even a Trump hater, and, if I were him, I wouldn't go to the White House for the simple reason that, after all the WWE shit, I'd rather either be in the gym or sleeping.

>talking politics
Who the fuck wants to hear some muscled up gaynigger talk about Trump?


You should I can smell the fungus growing and evolving in that open wound of yours.


Exactly. Blacks, the ones that aren't actively a part of the delusional left and/or "Antifa," are as much a victim of their shit as anyone else.

for sure but good luck convincing them of that

t.white cuck

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>I'm very happy to be here today with two great Americans. Just wonderful people. Terrific. The mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, Mr. Glenn Jacobs, and wrestling legend Mar-
>Excuse me, The Undertaker.
>Thank you, Mr. President, it's a pleasure to be here today and talk to you about the issues facing the American people in their day-to-day lives and what can be done to resolve them in order to grow the liberty and agency that originally made this country great.

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>mmm any saudi princes here who need their cocks sucked?

What a fucking mark.

It's not cartoonish its literally what they did to the Germans and pollocks. I don't understand people like you, like you are right the ruling class is garbage but you will say retarded shit like living under a gunpoint Chinese/Russian regime will be better. I know you think you sound smart but you aren't.

Does Big E think he's a draw with these record low ratings?

Public execution of gbt (based)
Public execution of any religious people (based) and christians (cringe)
Worse internet
Worse booze
That godawful Social Credit System
That shitty Chinese business system where companies are free to rip each other off, declare bankruptcy, buy out the assets and just restart the business under a slightly different name (just the tip of the iceberg, the Chinese are absolutely ruthless)
Draconian censorship that makes Google's search tampering look like childsplay
Tencent tier mega-jewing for everything
10x more pollution
Corruption that makes the current DNC look honest and true
That shitty anti-good Samaritan law

Man, you're naive as shit. How do you even function on a day to day basis?

Yea bro but has it that any worse than the (((elites))) bro and what they do to us now bro?

>all that bro shit
Go fuck yourself Riddle, you barefoot idiot

>Successful black man doesnt want to see orange retard.
>Cuckasian basement virgins seethe.

The 200 years for wh*tes to get breed out of the human gene pool cant come fast enough.

>ESL pajeet is ass mad

>Big E
those ratings say otherwise


He makes more money than you.

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No president should be associating themselves with these modern "celebrities." It was embarassing when Obama lowered himself with that GloZell interview and it would be the same if the White House hosted the New Day. Better yet, since entertainment creates a larger-than-necessary environmental footprint anyways, the government should just tax all of their profits. Kek.

This.Trump should just stick to serving bigger college football players kfc on George Washington’s silverware

that would make for an interesting story line

Yes, I too believe random pics posted on /pol based on no evidence whatsoever.

I’m trying to watch summer slam on this iPad i just got in the park. Of fucking course a pack of young niglets came walking by and started harassing me. Don’t trust blacks, don’t give a fuck about what the media says