Why do people just accept Dave Meltzer's ridiculous bias against WWE and its employees...

Why do people just accept Dave Meltzer's ridiculous bias against WWE and its employees? His influence can derail talent and storylines, and I genuinely think he has had a large influence on WWE's numbers falling despite the product being as good as ever. Casual fans actually believe his shit. If I was WWE, I wouldn't rest until I had my day in court with Meltzer.

Why do you put up with it? Why do you regurgitate the opinions of a man with a monopoly on wrestling criticism and a painfully obvious bias against the biggest company in the world?

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>and I genuinely think he has had a large influence on WWE's numbers falling
This dude puts out a tweet asking for predictions on who wins ratings war between NXT and AEW.
About a thousand people reply.
Over 2 million people watch WWE every week.
This dude is fucking irrelevant you dumbass mark.

He's breaking no laws, he's just a shitty journalist. If you need to listen to a professional wrestling journalist to determine how you feel about a storyline, a match, etc. then you probably have bigger problems in your life that need addressing.

If any other journalist displayed his level of bias, they would be fired and ridiculed. Journalist is being generous, since Dave deals in falsehoods and speculation.

Rent free. Come back after he gives 6 stars to another boring Gargano Cole spotfest.

He's self-employed. If he was publishing the observer on ESPN or something I'm sure they'd take issues with his bias, but he's literally only providing it to people that want to pay him for it. His work contributed to other websites has traditionally been a lot more down the middle. I don't disagree that these things are occurring, I simply don't believe his beliefs are impacting anyone other than those wanting to be influenced by them.

Honestly, he has a ridiculous bias towards WWE. Just look at his laughable star ratings for those awful Gargano-Cole matches.

NXT is not WWE.

WWE development is still WWE, E-drone.

>Different roster
>Different management
>Completely different style
>Different booking philosophy
>Different production
>Airs on a different platform

NXT is not WWE.

Clearly you have not seen one segment of news or read a single article in any main stream provider or publisher in the last 20 years.

I don't get this meme. He's actually pretty soft on WWE. Alvarez is the one who calls almost everything in WWE shit

>Trains wrestlers for WWE
>Booked by WWE's next owner
>Airs on WWE Network
>Run by WWE, Inc.
>Reddit spacing
Literally WWE.

It's not what he says about WWE, it's what he doesn't say. They have five star matches every single month on the main roster and he refuses to acknowledge them. Just calls every show "fine."

nobody knows who Meltzer is in the real world.
Only smarks quote him

>Says WWE has 5 star matches on the "main roster" every month

Good bait. Save it for a thread like a week from now

Meltzer is a huge e drone what are you talking about.

he devotes most of his coverage to watching wwe, and he regularly throws out high star ratings for their formulaic kick out spam.

>every post that disagrees with me is a troll!

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>ridiculous bias against WWE
You type Impact wrong

There are still people who unironically watch TNA in 2019? I mean, they can't possibly suck worse than WWE or AEW so whatever floats your boat I guess.


I really miss Impact drones seething each and every week when Bryan and Vinny would make fun of their awful show

God seems to have a bias against them because they went from possible competitor with WWE to wrestling in a warehouse for a thousand people

>Meltz is way too generous on his five star ratings in nu-japan. Nigga is easily impressed!
>but it would've been fine if he did just that to WWE though
Edrones, ladies and gentlemen.

He has been saying for a long time that Simpact was the better weekly pro-wrestling show with CMLL. He stopped saying it because no one give a fuck about TNA

This would be a good argument if Nu-Japan matches actually deserved those high ratings, but they don't.

Some of it does. If New Japan's match ratings is undeserved then what does that say for WWE's matches?

>NXT is not WWE.
Yes it fucking is you absolute retard, its literally the third brand and will be just like Raw/SD in a few months. Same company same dickheads running it.

>They have five star matches every single month on the main roster

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>NXT is not WWE meme
Why edrones so cope

But that guy's Reddit buddies told him NXT was a different promotion

Who cares about if Meltzer gave 5 stars to matches you think didn't deserved it. NJPW matches are clearly much better than WWE matches and that's a fact.


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Meltzer is biased towards the more WWE-style (movez, finisher spam and workrate) NJPW matches so its fair to criticize which matches he gives 5 stars to. He loves the shitshow that was A Block as opposed to Best Block.

If it's such a better product, they would be on top, not WWE. They can't even sell out PPVs in their own country.

If capeshit wasn't the best movies, something else would make more money.


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Why is capeshit in top of the box office? The majority of Ameritards have shit taste. Also you really think a japanese company could be number 1 in the US? New japan have good crowd numbers in their home country, can't say the same for WWE thess days

>w-why capeshit...
Doesn't matter how shit capeshit is, they managed to get more appeals with normies than WWE ever now

Imagine actually thinking Dave has a bias against WWE. I fucking wish Dave was as biased against WWE as E Drones seem to think he is.

>despite the product being as good as ever.
Holy shit the delusion

Meltzer bias AGAINST WWE? Are you on Angel Dust? Meltzer is the original E Drone, and that continues today. He literally does a Raw recap show every week, for no reason. His newsletter is 90% WWE, and the less relevant the fed gets, the more space he dedicates that. He still pushes that idea that AEW won't be able to compete with WWE. He gave Seth v AJ 4.75, despite being a 2.5 at best, compared to NJPW.

Memeltzer hates the WWE and that's a shoot brother. It kills him inside that he has to report on their shit and not only japan to survive financially, he knows the moment that he goes japan only his job is done for since nobody will listen. That's why he shills so hard for everything that could kill the WWE, he wants to stop reporting on it and move on.

the obvious rebuttle to this is to watch 10 seconds of fox news

Name 1 (one) main roster match as good as Ishii vs Moxley