What was the greatest summerslam match and why was it this kino as fuck match?

What was the greatest summerslam match and why was it this kino as fuck match?

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That was cathartic have to admit.

It was the WWE's best crafted story ever. The Attitude Era had a lot of interesting stories but most of it was hyped up by the fans and talent.

This storyline cuts deep. It was also 12 years in the making. Brock left the company in 2004 which opened the door for Cena. Cena then turned into a cartoon character shill that beat every opponent for 10 years straight to the audience's dismay. Fans hated it because Cena was a dorky character. He didn't seem tough. In comes Lesnar as a legit death machine after legitimizing himself in UFC and now you have a great fucking premise. Of course Lesnar has to destroy goofball Cena. It wouldn't make sense any other way. And it came right after the streak ending. It was fucking beautiful to watch like you said.

Of course, WWE are a bunch of idiots who had to make Cena look strong despite him being at the tail end of his arc and career. Luckily, Lesnar became such a larger than life attraction that it didn't matter. All because of his MMA history and match. Lesnar has been a crucial cash cow the last 5 years because of SS 2014.

Brock is dimes at Summerslam full stop

>20 minutes of one move being spammed and Brock slowly walking

but isn't this the match that started his one move spam spree? isn't this where suplex city began? the crowd is to blame for that then isn't it desu

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Holy simpola

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I wish I could go back in time and tell myself not to read this.

Speaking of which, you have the timeline if events all wrong. Please fuck off back to redit.

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Owen vs Shitman in the cage was the best

not enough flips for ya?

Suplex City Bitch was during Wrestlemania 31

Yeah, WWE buried Lesnar for two years, but who cares? Only turbo spergs like you who autistically scramble through every detail of a trailer park Days of our Lives show. Lesnar's narrative completely changed in 2014. Vince finally got it right. He was unsure at first because of what Lesnar did to him a decade go but they unleashed the beast when it mattered the most. Yeah, but keep it up with the minor details of a carny show retcons everything because they have to in order to survive. Because what idiot actually plans a carny show to a tee when everyone either leaves, fucks up or gets hurt. They're actually trying to run a business too you manchild.

Fuck back off to AEW, bitch tits.

Based Jimmy Korderas

You fucking losers deserve your bingo hall shows. You have no idea the business side of any of this. You barely know how to pay your taxes as it is.

You posted the wrong match

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There were no stakes to this match. Not the same. Cena's burial was more brutal and shocking to watch.


you do know it's fake right? Orton dying was real


what did they mean by this?

So? Everything should be kayfabe. You don't subvert the kayfabe by retardedly busting a guy open (something they could have got sued for). Cena's match was a much better work. You go from kayfabe to worked, never kayfabe to shoot. AEW marks will never understand this.

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