>Top Joshi Talent
If you're favorite Joshi is not there, you're supporting a literally who
>Top Joshi Talent
If you're favorite Joshi is not there, you're supporting a literally who
when you lose your virginity and stop watching baby’s first joshi promotion then you’re allowed to talk shit
My 3 favs are there. Glad I dodged that bullet.
I want to have a threesome with Arisa and MAYUUUUUU
>Stardom? Sorry I only watch Joshi feds with soul, such as Tokyo Joshi and Gatoh Move
she isn't
So wait, Mayu came out to pose for being one of the 10 Stardom girls in the Fire Pro DLC in her old outfit, then went back and changed into her new one for her match? kek.
Nanae raped and trained half of these losers. And those bitches "trained" the current shitters.
Sonny is a master booker dude. Rossy only has half his face working he can only invent modern joshi at 50% now.
>rihofags btfo
No chance, filthy gaijin.
Now the hack bumps her neck into sawdust for 200 people in Shinjuku while Stardom continues to be the #1 joshi promotion
>Now the hack bumps her neck into sawdust for 200 people in Shinjuku
She works Ice and Oz and it better than 90% of all STARDOM shitters. She gets paid at least 500x more too. I've never seen an Ice Ribbon Korakuen show with that bad of a draw.
>while Stardom continues to be the #1 joshi promotion
For gaijin paying for streaming services sure. The Korakuen draw today was abysmal even with Riho pumping attendance. That ugly foot-faced Brit with the bad skin is certainly no-dimes. Imagine thinking a crowd of sweaty creep middle-age Jap dudes who want to see panties could give a fuck about who Will Assplay is banging? Rossy's brain is a rotted as his morals.
I was talking about Nanae. I like Maya.
>For gaijin paying for streaming services sure.
The most covered by wrestling media, 2nd largest schedule in terms of sheer number of shows but largest total attendance, only joshi promotion running Korakuen Hall every single month and still outdrawing promotions running it 3 or 4 times a year, and yes, the largest global notoriety and reach of them all. All while having his own roster to tightly focus on rather than anxiously tossing a dozen outsiders on his cards because their roster is either too small or worthless. What beats them and how?
Jungle lookin like a snacc
>tfw Momo is there
Feels good
>What beats them and how?
>he most covered by wrestling media
Means literally nothing. Rossy is still not rich and neither are the girls.
>2nd largest schedule in terms of sheer number of shows but largest total attendance
Means literally nothing. Rossy is still not rich and neither are the girls.
>only joshi promotion running Korakuen Hall every single month
Huge mistake Rossy made. Waste of money.
>nd still outdrawing promotions running it 3 or 4 times a year
[citation needed]
> the largest global notoriety and reach of them all
Means literally nothing. Rossy is still not rich and neither are the girls.
>All while having his own roster to tightly focus on rather than anxiously tossing a dozen outsiders on his cards because their roster is either too small or worthless.
Boring as fuck. Same shit over and over.
>What beats them and how?
Oz, Ice, SEAD and Sendai. Because they're better wrestling with a more diverse fan-base and have substance over style while also having a unique identity that is each their own and not a derivative rip-off.
Go home junior, it's past your bedtime/fingering your own asshole.
I don’t see saki akai
>the promotions with Japan centric bases are more diverse than the one with foreign fans
Because in the end the gate is still where the gold come from brain surgeon. Do you really think thousands of people are paying for "Stardom World" subscriptions? I'd say 50% of Stardom fans are running around town going to TJPW, WAVE etc. anyway. When I say "diverse" I'm talking about non-creeps.
>Means literally nothing. Rossy is still not rich and neither are the girls. (x2)
[citation needed]
>Huge mistake Rossy made. Waste of money.
Any other promotion would drown trying to do this. For what the numbers are, there's nothing wrong
>[citation needed]
The only one that can consistently draw higher is TJPW, who run 3 per year. Everyone else running the same amount either draw equal to them or worse. Go find the numbers.
>Means literally nothing. Rossy is still not rich and neither are the girls.
This has now gone from seethe to desperation with a hint of seethe. Explain how global reach means nothing when concerning who the #1 promotion is.
>Boring as fuck. Same shit over and over
No, it's called be stable and self-sufficient. No need opening floodgates for 10 outsiders cuz have your actual roster is dogshit like Ice Ribbon (who seem to be actively understanding this right now) or too small to fill one like Sendai Girls. Considering the money and attention generated from being a stable promotion that doesn't have to rely on other feds, it's worked out for them very well. Hey, the most successful fed in Japan has it down, fitting the most successful joshi fed does too. Meanwhile most of the others not catching along are stagnating or declining.
>Oz, Ice, SEAD and Sendai. Because they're better wrestling
Fucking mark ignoring facts for useless opinion. SEAdLINNNG will never be top anything with their poorly-drawn weekday shows nobody goes to and Ice Ribbon's undercards aren't even TJPW-tier, I learned recently they can be even worse at this point. How many times can you fuck up a 619 in 1 match, Asahi? IR has Manami Toyota, Mio Shirai & Misaki Ohata but that's their best?
>with a more diverse fan-base
Ice Ribbon crowds are the exact same types of old pervert crowds as the other idol shit but keep pretending otherwise. You'd be lucky to find more than 6 women in those crowds.
>The Korakuen draw today was abysmal even with Riho pumping attendance.
963 kek. Tsukka, Ohka, Ozaki and Nanae would kill their families to be in a world where 963 for joshi in Korakuen can be considered abysmal.
You really wasted those nice digits with this goofy post.
AZM is GOAT and you fucking know it you old geezer
I been in Korakuen Hall. I've seen the pics from today's show. That's not even close to 963 unless you believe most of the fans are buying tickets to sit 30 rows back on the South side. They didn't even bother to set up the North side.
Why the fuck are you soo assblasted over this? We know the facts and you’re still literally drowning in water trying to push your lame ass agenda. Dude, fuck off already.
Sonny - none of them are ever gonna fuck you, and booking Assplays girlfriend for one of your 12 worthless belts isn't going to get you a job.
Why do you incels mark out over these ugly chimps?
because we are done with white women forever and are seeking superior boyfriend-free japanese sweethearts
they're not even top group in terms of looks meanwhile skill-wise rossy's world is bottom of the barrel
>they're not even top group in terms of looks
There's a prettier joshi promotion out there? Thanks for posting all the proofs
at least some of them look and act like actual women not like little kids
god I wish I was that shark
Rossy raped fanfic-kun in the summer of 2012 and he's still assblasted to this day.
Hazuki... is not even good looking enough to main event in rossy's world
Hazuki and Arisa are over my house right now celebrating. It's getting sexual.
Hi Kagetsu!
>no Konami
Spike Chunsoft makes me seethe
Spike Chunsoft? More like Kike Jewsoft!
Just kidding I love Zero Escape and Danganronpa
What a pathetic admittance of defeat.