>sjw go tired of making interracial shows on netflix
>the new thing is bringing back classic cartoons to force their mentalli ill shit
movies, sports, music, cartoons... is wrestling next
Sjw go tired of making interracial shows on netflix
Based. Anything to stop shoving blacks into my media
weird how many rocko fans popped up out of seemingly nowhere to be mad about this
>Thinking Rocko being "SJW" is anything new
This is how we spot a zoomer who's trying too hard, folks
>popped up out of seemingly nowhere
Everyone born in the early 90s late 80s watched it and they bring it back and put that trash on it? who wouldn't be mad
I don't think you remember Rocko very well.
People with friends, for one, since it's a cartoon from 25 years ago
First of all, Rocko was never a main event player. Solid midcarder, but a B+ show at best.
People don't remember B+ shows more than just a "oh yeah" before moving on.
Second of all, people that are mad never watched the show or don't remember it's "progressive" writing, which makes the outrage even sadder. People are getting worked over a show they don't even remember.
rocko wasn't even b+ tier that's hey arnold and he was at least two steps below hey arnold. rocko would be lucky to be above kids next door.
>forgetting the Recycle song
Its like you dont even know what your mad about op
nigger nickelodeon had a show called nick at nite when they showed old cartoons like rocko, arnold, rocket powers, ginger, catdog and i think the one with the monsters as well
my 19 cousin saw rocko (even tho she thinks zim is way better)
No one gives a fuck about your "19 cousin" you dumb ESL shitbag
>Cartoons like Rocket Power and Ginger
Yeah. Real maincard attractions, right? My point still stands that you either don't remember Rocko as well as you do, cause who the fuck cares? Or you're just trying to sound like the boomer you're not.
>main event
Hey arnold
Angry beavers
Rocco modern life
Ren and stimpy
Ahh real monsters
Wild thornberries
As told by ginger
Rocket power
Nice numbers and a decent list.
I'd bump Ren and Stimpy up one, even if it wasn't my cup of tea.
>Rugrats too high
>Doug too low
>Catdog too high
>Kablam too low
besides that all ding-dong diddly based
Nick at Nite is old sitcoms and it still exists, it's shit now though.
absolutely god awful taste
kablam was great
ahh real monsters should be moved up
wtf @ rocko as a mid card
so much more wrong than i thought at first glance im not even going any further
by the time it started they only had a few shows, if rocko was a jabroni it wouldn't be considered for that group
ren and stimpy aged like milk, same goes for kablam
thornerries is the shittiest show ever
ginger was underrated
doug is the undercarder of nick
rocket power drew a lot of dimes. what are you talking about
I bet you were the weird rapey kid that liked The Offbeats more than anything else on Kablam too
Turboautist like you guys have no room to call anybody mentally ill
nick @ night was literally just for stoners who would jus watch whatever leftover garbage they had that would flop in any other time slot
lmao @ bumping sholders with fucking as told by ginger and thinking you matter
fuck you you fucking shoobie
Rp was fucking straight up trash that was trying to feed off the fad of the xgames. Get fucked shoebie
>If Rocko was a jabroni, it wouldn't be considered
It ran alongside GINGER, dude.
>Thornberries is the shittiest
>Ginger was overrated
>Rocket Power drew
Cool. Thanks for confirming you weren't alive back then.
Doug was the fucking Ace, idiot
You incels hate ginger because the black guy went from robot to chad and filled her womb
I didn't watch that garbage so I didn't know about that, ya homo. Did ya play with dolls and shit, too?
Yeah but his second run in that foreign promotion tainted his overall career.
nah it was just cringe ya faggot
>ynr that shit period in early 00s nick where Sundays were given to live action shows like that cunt with the horses, my cousin skeeter, and trash like ginger
no i liked action league now
also life with loopy
im kinda pissed kreayshawn changed her album name
Name a more based comedy stable.
>action league now
> life with loopy
I think i'm going to force Ginger on this board from now on, it helps a lot that wwe has a redhead that this oppresive board hates too
Damn lmao big facts
At least Clarissa was never BLACKED
fucking fag that show is gay as fuck don't be a jackass
Rocko was shit even as a kid
Janetties to ren and stimpy
It's like you aren't even trying
ren and stimpy are so jobbers that they are jobbing to fucking daria in tna
Why do you care so much about a children's television show?
cringe and fagpilled
I love this lil nigga like you won't believe
jett jackson killed himself
the black girl in that show was so hot. I think she became a rap video thot.
gay show for girls but keep your cuck fetish alive
I dated a ginger for a couple years and she was racist towards blacks. Always made me laugh. Miss those titties
kek going quite the distance to defend a preteen girls cartoon
reminder never to go full pol
This show was c tier. I barely remember it. Only know the name because you guys reminded me. Hell i dont give a shit about some shit 90s cartoon making a comeback, who cares. It more irrelevant then wrestling.
>leftist """memes"""
reminder to take note of the absolute pottery involved in liberals getting assmad that people with completely different ideologies to them have come to a place liberals considered home and how the liberals answer to this is to moan and complain about how they need to be sent back to their own board