Any anons in Knox county?
What has this guy actually done as mayor?
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I sucked his dick on a Grindr hookup
He chokeslamed 19 kikes at the Town Hall
Yea, me. Hes been cashin checks, snappin necks, fuckin hoes and makin dough. Any ding-dong diddly questions?
what does any mayor do retard
elections below a federal level mean fuck all because none of them have any power
Was his penis 3 feet ?
hes a republican
they all have the same strategy
promise a lot
deliver nothing
sell off everything to your cronies in wall street
praise jesus and blame poor people for any problems
he's a libritarian you retard. he ran on the republican platform because he lives in a republican state and isn't retarded.
Kane gets a pass though for being based from 97-03
City hall now looks like a building from Fallout and basically he and Mark turned the whole town into their clubhouse with bikers riding around everywhere and people afraid to leave their homes after dusk.
>What has this guy actually done as mayor?
huh? what u mean?
ya worked?
ya seethe?
ya boilin?
ya sizzlin?
ya stewin?
this, Glen is always based in interviews. Its why I'm curious in the first place.
Based Kane working the marks.
Nothing. It's hard to really make big noticeable changes as mayor.
But then again, I live outside the city limits. I only go into town to fuck traps
No Vince you closet homo
chokeslammed collectivists through his mayoral podium
Mmmmmmm that sounds pretty badass.
what is a libertarian? no borders? no taxes? no environmental regulations?
>Be Jewish
>Go into politics
Imagine muh shock
No, they support borders. Except the neoliberal globalists that like to toe the line between libertarians, conservatives, liberals, and centrists. Pieces of fucking shit.
hes spanish
I really want to move there now.
How much does a house cost there?
He's kept downtown clean and homeless/nigger free. Its been pretty based in knox county.
Kane being a Jew is fake news
You deserve whatever STD you catch you disgusting sodomite
Libertarianism is, essentially, the idea that attacking people is bad and shouldn't be allowed, at least generally speaking. The government is the organization that does the most attacking people so it's the main focus of libertarians. Taxation is theft, war is mass murder, etc. etc., and calling yourself "the government" doesn't make theft and murder okay. The full extent of libertarianism is anarcho-capitalism, but Kane chooses to at least work within the system, and may even believe in government, idk where he is on that. For more information you can look into the writings of Lysander Spooner, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, David Friedman, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Walter Block, and many others that are easy enough to stumble upon along the way. Murray Rothbard is probably my best recommendation as far as who spoke the best on the moral case for libertarianism, and David Friedman is probably the best on the practical reasons. Lastly, the Libertarian Party isn't libertarian anymore in the US. They compromise to the point of losing their principles.
Based Political user
Libcucks are worse than teaparty fags because at least teaparty members actually know what they represent. Ask 10 libertarians what their political ideology is and you'll get 10 different answers
die faggot
I dont think youre saying the right words you think you are user
Thats true of most people though only retards who cant think for themselves are identical with a political parties ideology.