Oh no no no no

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yep the future s bright, fuck WWMEME and their backwards company

>Featuring black wrestlers in the most racist city in the United States

seems like a ding-dong diddly bad idea to me

If y'all thought they were bending the knee before.

the bucks & omega are jewish, tho

>pretending you're interested in something just to virtue signal and complain

kek AEW is finished

the bucks are christians and pray before matches

oh oh, the snowflakes are turning their backs to gay e dub


>most racist city in the United States
it's in boston which is a bastion of progressive politics
not one of your southern toilet bowls

>bend over backwards for SJWs
>they demand more
every time

Really disappointed in AEW's stale, pale, all male main event seen. This company has made it a point to hire so many outstanding WoC and Trans WoC, yet they don't even think of putting them in the main event scene. Yikes.

That's why any company doesn't need to pander to SJWs, look at WWE and the divas revolution.

>bastion of progressive politics
Imagine believing this

Japanese pro wrestler Liho should be on every poster.

Ever see a black man at a Red Sox game that wasn't playing first base or singing the national anthem?

That's super disingenuous given that we know they're going to give pushes to Brandi, Nyla Rose, Awesome Kong, a whole shitload of different joshi, Private Party, Lucha Bros, Sonny Kiss, Scorpio Sky, I could go on.

I'm black and I just find this obnoxious. Save this shit for when it actually applies, whitey.

Damn look at all that diversity

Attached: los angeles.webm (480x480, 2.86M)


>Boston, MA
>the most racist city in the United States

thats gonna be a hard yikes for me

white women at it again

I used to make jokes about how the US was going to turn into Brazil with favelas/slums directly bordering gated communities but its literally happening now. Jesus.

eDrone/RAM enthusiast detected

Black athletes in Boston can't step on the field or the court without being called a nigger. It happens to this day and it isn't even that rare.

fucking told you trannies
AEW is white men telling you what to think
reminder brandy is the whitest black chick on earth

what city is this?

White men are in the top spots and minorities are all gay comedy jobbers

Eat the rich

This has to be Brazil, seriously.

fucking based

>E rejects like Cody, Dean and Jericho are on the poster
TNA 2.0

Okay definitely Cody but Chris and Dean basically made there whole careers off of wwe. Well Chris was in wcw

do we really need to see a young buck in every team?

Any Company who wants to please the SJWs will be doomed to fail, SJW want so many different groups with different beliefs and races in power that it's impossible to please them.

Yeah no fuck this shit, they made Kofi champion because he is black, guess what? He is an anti draw.
Fuck this dumb ideology,put the draw on the poster fuck sjw fuck those motherfuckers they are taking everything from us

have sex

white leftist cucky wucky wetting his panties when called a racist kek

lmao that's CRINGE

>turning on them already

>*This is America starts playing

>Put the draw on the poster
So why is anybody but Kenneth on the poster?

you first tranny

There's a reason Tommy from Quinzee is a meme among sports sites.

ding-dong diddly bases

Jesus, this may as well be a city in Africa

I'd smash your fucking skull in as soon as look at ya.

this is what happens when you elect ronald reagan to office and he starts gutting social safety nets so his yuppie american psycho buddies can buy an extra couple of yachts

>white women under 25

Fuck off namefag

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>(((white girl))) calling for more non-white men
Imagine that.

Racist won't be allowed to enter the event

There are no niggers in cities like Boston or San Francisco. The only niggers you see are homeless or live elsewhere and work in service like uber, custodians and other low skill shit paying jobs like that.

sorry daddy ;3

most brazilian big cities are a hundred times better than this

That is a load of bullshit made up by some dumb nigger and harped on by liberal news. You’re gonna tell me that Bostonians hated Kevin Garnett, David Ortiz, and Vince Wilfork?

Omega has Jew hair but he is not a filthy kike

>Most racist city in America
t. Has never been in the deep south

AEW? All Elite Whites? Yeah, that's a mega cringe form me Reddit-bros©.

t. Someone who has never been to Boston. It is certainly not overtly racist like the South can be, especially with its liberal utopia veneer, but Boston is ultra segregated and politely racist.

not sure if tweet was meant to be sarcastic or not

>its wypipos fault niggers are vermin!
every fucking time

That's because all the other organizations, especially the corporate WWE, hired all the "diverse" wrestlers worth a damn.

They really should get some Japanese dudes from NOAH or All Japan, though. That's diverse enough for pro-wrestling.

And thats how we like it.

Lets take a walk through dorchester and hear you say that nigga

zombie apocalypse scenario

lmao niggers are pathetic

This is how you "win" social media though.

its all so tiresome.


Why are the people who yell the loudest about diversity white women? Close second is black women but at least it makes sense since they're black.

>their gay character is the most flamboyant fag ever
>tranny is a fat guy with long hair


their men's and women's divisions are solar opposites
men's division is just white dudes
in the women there's white girls, black girls, joshis, fat chicks and trannies

You know why. You know what they want.

america is hilarious

I honestly have no clue how this shit started in the first place, so not really.

Half of them are fags, so it's 50-50 as far as sexual orientation goes, pretty diverse.

It's Skid Row in L.A. people act like this is a new thing and it's a sign of some oncoming disaster but it's been there since the 1930's.

AEW btfo

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Lol Boston is fine 99% of the time. I can name a boatload of northern cities that are worse in terms of segregation.

All of them combined don't hold a candle to the shit I've seen in New Orleans, St. Louis or Birmingham.

>white person complains about lack of token minorities that exist solely to make white people feel better about their whiteness


Codys a spic and Kenny looks like some kind of mutt so I would say thats pretty good diversity

Former Californian here. I lived in this tiny suburb-ass suburb for decades. By the time I moved out, there was a homeless camp behind the K-Mart and people were getting mugged right outside my complex.

plot twist: All the homeless and junkies were were white.

The most ridiculous place to see the homeless is Vancouver. It's this weird northern bubble filled with tweekers and everybody is white.

Homelessness and drugs aren't just a black thing.

Maybe look at the amount of sugar in your diet fat bitch

So many idiots go thinking they are 'the one' and are going to make it big. They try to become actors and directors and writers and shit with no experience, no skills, no connections. It's the illness of extreme egotism caused by the very things they worship.