What's been the angle of the year?

What's been the angle of the year?

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Drake Maverick can't fuck his wife.

Shota should turn on him now that he's losing all his matches

i really liked Goto leaving NJPW for a few months and going to train with shibata so he'd come backed Jacked and strong as fuck and has a chance of winning the G1

Should be the other way around. Shota is fucking useless for Mox, and Mox turning on Shota will draw mega heat.

Meanwhile I'm drawing all the dimes fucking his wife.

ImpactCHADS will tell you that the Disco Inferno/Scarlett feud was pure kino and it was

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Either the Seff/Bex love affair, Lars kills Mexican midgets or Who's Tryin to Kill Roman?

Reminder that Deanetty is just rehashing this shit he did with the pedo in the E.

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Shota is double the size and treated as an equal
the only thing they have in common is that they are friends ya retard

Go back and watch that cringe shit with the pedo, Deanetty treats him exactly like he does Shota. The only difference is that you know Ellsworth is a joke character, so it takes a different connotation.

he’s right you know

Hi Seth, how's being the face of the business treating you now that you're being fed to Brock for being an anti-draw?

rent free. state of this redditor

Kind of reminds me of the Jay and Yoh angle from last year. I wonder if they'd make Jay form a splinter group along with few young lions or something if the AEW excursion didn't happen.
Also liked last year's tag format more than how they they 3-4 man tags this year often with mispairings

>Hi Seth

You spent time pretending to talk to Seth? Goddam, son, this ain't Twitter.

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probably disco's stuff was the angle of the year. i say that as someone who doesn't watch impact but it sounds pretty great, and based new japan hasn't had any really hot angles this year.

>Deadly, cold fucking stare... from The Shooter™

Hi Ron, you’re absolutely killing it compared to the WWE/Universal/IWGP champions my man.

>probably disco's stuff was the angle of the year

That scene where he walked into a room thinking that Vince Rousso was so good. If you look at the entirety of the storyline you'll see that he wasnt even that much of a villian and Scarlett was a bit of a bitch. Great shit

Forgot the link
