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suck roh it

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kevin rape summer

Killed the business

>yfw reminded of Paul's utter failure to cross-over into mainstream Hollywood like Rock

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It just occurred to me how much this guy is actually just Greg Valentine

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He could have been a big star in Hollywood if he wanted to. WWE just needed him more.

>never the guy
>never important
>never a draw
>4/10 at best
>everything he touches goes into decline
>has to stay off TV when ratings get low
>designated driver for the kliq
>career destroyed by curtain call while his buddies did important stuff
>begged vince to let shawn make him relevant
>after shawn left spent a year literally just making dick jokes
>worked into a seething shoot by the based hulkster
>hates him to this day just for losing to him
>so insecure about macho man banging his wife that he is still seething
>made WWE game developers edit trailers to make him look strong
>booked himself to dominate raw from 02-05 and drove away millions of viewers with his boring promos
>so embarassingly proud of his four horseman cosplay that he overbooked them
>dumped chyna to marry the boss' daughter to climb to the top
>chyna was driven down a path of destruction because of his manipulation
>only started being involved in "important" things after he married stephanie
>business has been in steady decline since he married stephanie
>can't produce a son

>wanted to beat the GOAT SCSA for the title at summerslam 99
>got totally cucked and just won the title by proxy through cuck foley
>katie vick angle
>humilated white-hot babyface booker t and eventually utterly buried him in their 2003 feud for being black
>booker t's career was never the same again
>still hates booker t for being black
>buried randy orton and destoryed his main event career for over a year
>forced creative into a corner because they had planned on using orton in the main event scene in 05 but nobody cared because of gaytch
>DX reunion was one of the cringiest storylines ever
>inserted himself into the 2008 main event scene and tanked ratings again
>always tries to have "epic" matches at wrestlemania that just get called boring
>always tries to have "epic" entrances at wrestlemania that just get called cringy
>a fucking tricycle
>every storyline he's involved in is tailored to stroke his ego
>wanted to be a badass heel and the next vince mcmahon with the authority
>boring faction that everyone just wanted to go away
>more negative awards than good
>embarassingly proud that he's friends with someone famous (floyd mayweather)
>constantly inserts himself into hot feuds to stay relevant
>pretends his self booked achievements make him important
>thinks cramming indy manlets into his vanity project makes him important
>total cuck, stephanie wears the pants in his marriage
>finisher is more over than him
>his gimmick is spitting water
>told vince to push roman instead of big e (because big e is black)
>brainwashed smarks into thinking it was vince's idea
>brainwashes smarks into liking him because he takes all the credit for NXT
>ratings have plummeted since he became head of creative

God damn do I hate triple h

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He was great in Blade 2.

Ya see Blade, quite frankly, people like you... Don't deserve to be vampires.

>doesn't know how to use greentext


>have sex


>suck my dick, faggot

BASED's the thing, Blade. I've seen vampires like you come and go a million times. Vampires like Alucard, D. All guys that are very talented, don't get me wrong. Top vampires! Very popular! But not "the one." Never was there vamp "the one." And maybe nobody wants to say this, but it needs to be said: it's a fact. If any of those vamps had been the real Vamp, we'd all be hyping up Castlevania right now.
You think you're playing in the big leagues kid? You have no idea. You step inside that coven tomorrow and I have a feeling you're gonna prove to the world that you're a B-S vampire.
Ya see tomorrow you'll be watched by millions. By marvelfags, castlevaniafags, hell even VTMfags. And you know what you're not just going up against some pretty boy bloodsucker, a bald blood-junkie bloodsucker, or even the freakin Dracula. Come tomorrow night, come time for the blooding, you'll be fighting THE FUCKING GAME!

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Such a punchable face