Nani, p*ggu-san? you want autoglaph? no probrem, prease, come croser

>nani, p*ggu-san? you want autoglaph? no probrem, prease, come croser
*shoot pumping bombers you*
*shoot made in japans you*

How do you react?

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go back to wew you unfunny dork

DG USA died because based nationalist Shingo hates whito piggu american jins

I'd no-sell both and kick him in the dick :^)

ihow do I react?
by asking him "who are you literally"?
and then walk away

Yeah yeah yeah
Less lip and more eggroll dip, mr miyagi lookin ass.

I oversell the pumping bomber by doing a 450 on impact and land on my head.

No sell it and tell him my burning hatred for Koreans fuels my fighting spiritm

>pearling harbors you
>pshh nothing personnel, gaijin

Shingo is based.

Based big dimes shingo

before he hits the Made in Japan I tell him that comfort women should have paid reparations to the soldiers of nipon. hopefully he puts me down and we can get talking about how much we hate the Chinese.

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What the fuck does any of that shit mean?

I remember him that Hirohito is infact not a god and he should pay his respects to a glorious American like his former emperor did to general MacArthur

is Shingo a racist piece of shit?

if by "racist piece of shit" you mean a based and redpilled nationalist yes

it's impossible to be redpilled and racist so go back to school ya jabroni

Thank you sir, may I have another.

I'm not white and a Japanophile.
Long live His Majesty the Emperor.

Attached: glorious 日本.jpg (1024x566, 94K)

No, however it's impossible for a tripfag to not be cringe and bluepilled. Go back. Dilate

Is this a daily laugh at Simpo thead?


He tortured a monkey