>hey bro, here's your new badass killer clown
Hey bro, here's your new badass killer clown
Other urls found in this thread:
You guys are grade A losers for real.
>ywn have a daughter who you love and want the best for
youll understand if you ever have children
you are a grade a cuck
do they all marry chicanas
thank god
>Taking care of your daughter and family time is bad
Of all the guys in the roster you go ahead and pick the one guy whose gimmick is 75% "children television host" to make this post, you absolute ninny.
It's a work, bro.
Bray is a family man with 3 kids. Nothing wrong with being a loving father outside of wrestling.
im a dad
sorry i dont beat my children or ignore them
wouldnt want any of them to turn into the '"""""people""""""""" that browse this website
A girls hair gets like a rats nest if it isn't brushed
>im a dad
Does little Daquan actually call you that?
His name is Jeremy and hes mine
I don't care about your little cuckold fantasies so stop projecting them on me
Please have sex
Weird how such a pic is both cute and also the main reason the wrestling business is dead.
I'm actually not but posting seething is your way of coping
you cant take the L so you throw out the word "Seething" to save face
Its ok though, we are all amongst friends here so I'm sure they wouldnt mind if you outed yourself as a loser
>*hits pipe*
think about it logically
>You guys are grade A losers for real.
>I'm actually not but posting seething is your way of coping
>you cant take the L so you throw out the word "Seething" to save face
>Its ok though, we are all amongst friends here so I'm sure they wouldnt mind if you outed yourself as a loser
Social media is a blight on wrestling
If you honestly think there's something wrong with the pic you are either a shitty parent or not a parent at all
> If you honestly think there's something wrong with the pic you are either a shitty parent or not a parent at all
>Bray is a really good parent, just don't ask about his old family that he abandoned
Every time I see these outrage (you)s social media posts here I wonder what the fuck you were doing on twitter in the first place.
>Hey look everyone I just sucked this guy's cock and he actually came from it! ha ha ha whatta faggot, right?
That's asp
>brown daughter
Must be a old pic, didn't he skip out on her and refuse his ex wife child support?
>hey bro, heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa
Damn Knash grew up fast
Kid looks a bit old for the milk bottle. Maybe she's a niece of JoJo's, maybe it's one of his kids with Samantha on visitation.
Bray still sees his kids all the time
He posted it 3 hours ago on his Instagram, and he has his latest hairstyle and most recent neck tattoo, so it's definitely from after the divorce. Bray posts a ton of pictures with his daughters, he never denied them anything, he just took issue with his ex-wife wanting half his shit and getting his employer involved in the lawsuit.
Wow a guy isn't the exact same as a character he plays on a TV show?
thats is quite badass, you are right
imagine buying the melting pot meme, kek what a bitch - imagine doing THAT with your genetics
>As the story goes, JTG and Wyatt paired up to share a rental car for a few days and were driving alongside Alex Riley and Big E, who had their own rental car.
>Not long into the drive, JTG writes that a car nearly sideswiped him and Wyatt but drove off without causing them damage. However, just moments after the scare, the same car sideswiped Riley and Big E, knocking them off the road. At that point, Wyatt wanted to catch up to the car and deal with the situation.
>“Without saying one word, Bray and I looked at each other, and we immediately knew what that look meant. It was the ‘Someone is getting their ass beat’ look,” JTG writes in Chapter 18 of the book. “Bray and I are pretty cool laid back dudes but at this moment, we were ready to beat down some a**holes (pause), some car-swiping stupid-a**holes.”
>The plan was for Wyatt and JTG to catch up to the car, stop in front of it, and teach the people inside a physical lesson. However, in their pursuit, JTG described that the driver of that car lost control, at which point the vehicle did “six complete barrel rolls into the side of the highway.”
>The car landed upside down and started to smoke. JTG explained that he had seen enough action movies to know that approaching an upside-down vehicle that’s smoking is not the best idea, but Wyatt decided to help the passengers. First, he pulled out one teenage girl from the wreck and instructed her to go to safety near JTG. Wyatt then struggled to pull the driver out of the car but a reluctant JTG helped.
>“I didn’t want to no nowhere near that ticking time bomb, but I couldn’t leave my boy Bray hanging. So I grew some balls sand went over to the car to help him out. We pulled the driver out and got her away from the teenage-swiping-stupid-a**hole mobile. We sat her down next to her friend. You would think these would be thanking the s**t out us for saving their lives.”
>The characters I see on TV are real people off camera, REEEEEE!!!
>not keeping up your gimmick to the public
faggot marks publishing their social lives on the internet, ruining their gimmicks in the process.
>Having a family you take care of makes you a "cuck"
Lmfao you really are a loser. Fix your life
He's doing backstage photos like he's some IG Model.
And folks thought he was gonna be the next Taker.
But marks think that it's real, you retard. It's why everyone calls the older generation marks and indie guys marks cause they just play themselves in the ring.
How is he ruining any gimmick? Just because he does spoopy shit doesn't make him an undead zombie like undertaker.
Threads like these do highlight how pathetic most you are. It's an interesting insight into the mass brainwashing you have all been exposed to. You blame your lack of successful relationships on the world around you. You react in typical childish ways like projecting your insecurity
>Calling people a "cuck" even though that's just a projection of fantasies you built about women you can't attain so you fantasize about them with other men.
You typically drift into more political and racial reasons
>She must only like BLACK guys, she's not GOOD enough for a person like me
When in reality you are just making up a cope, just the fact of a women being in a picture with another male is enough for you too feel insecure enough to lash out.
Pretty weak, and hope y'all can fix your mental issues.
I think OP just has difficulty thinking that the people he sees on TV are actual human beings. You see posts like it quite a lot, like it'll be a wrestler on his off day, just sat down wearing regular clothes or maybe even a retired wrestler that no longer is as fit as he was 50 years ago. The OP just cannot comprehend this stuff.
But everything else you said is also true. You forgot the pictures of two humans stood next to each other with the caption, "Did they?" because two humans cannot stand next to each other unless they have had sex.
That is his old family. His kid with Jojo is an infant.
Yeah I mean I get the memes but it's almost like cries for help disguised as sarcasm. Especially since all the memes , especially the anti-female or "roast" ones are so strangely specific and personal.
I feel like a lot of boards haven't had a fresh meme since Clown World and NPC so they are just repeating /pol/ rhetoric and that board is BAD with it, it's like the new /r9k/.
Sell the fucking gimmick, don't break kayfabe or don't be a fucking wrestler.
How hard can it possibly be to not be a fucking faggot on social media?
See? That's the zombie, dressed like a fucking biker, still selling the gimmick.
This whole "see? He's just like us" bullshit is the main reason because only legitimate real life cocksuckers still bother with mainstream wrestling.
It's good to spend time with your kids, but I wouldn't want to see the undertaker casually hanging out with his sondertaker in street clothes on Facebook when he was supposed to be a spooky badass. It breaks the illusion.
BASED BIG DOG burying these obese marks.
I do agree with you about Kayfabe and honestly Vince should not have merged reality TV and social media with something like wrestling.
If they switched to something like Lucha Underground or similar fights like the Wyatt Family vs New Day
I think it could save that issue, but it would provide a HUGE format overhaul that WWE just couldn't do with its current structure . They have been doing more skits though the past 5 years.
>GOATaker protecting and respecting the business
>meanwhile today's simps can't stay off the fucking social media
And people wonder why wrestling's practically dead. It's because not even the ''wrestlers'' take it seriously anymore.
What a fucking mark.
He's the one working the marks you fucking simp. The only marks today are in the ring, working themselves.
nigga that's bray not the fiend he's always playing with puppets and shit
I was calling you a mark, you retard
I'm not the guy that posted it, dumbass. But either way, he's right, would you watch a fucking movie (a serious one, not some comedic cancer) if the actor constantly broke the fourth wall for no reason and didn't give a shit and just went ''it's a movie bro, chill''. What other entertainment industry has workers that just blatantly don't give a fuck?
So does Daniel Craig pretend he's James Bond 24/7. Is Mark Hamill supposed to be Luke Skywalker all the time?
What movie actor goes around playing their character after they finish filming?
If you're so worried about kayfabe stop being a faggot and quit social media. If it wasn't for this place I'd never see this shit.
That's different though . The concept of Kayfabe doesn't apply to theater , it's a pro wrestling term for "suspension of disbelief" where the crowd is apart of the show itself
Similar to gonzo journalism
>"suspension of disbelief"
That's not what kayfabe means, cumstain. Appreciate you providing the perfect example of a what smart mark is though.
So at what point in the show did he break character and start combing his daughters hair?
What happened to Bray's white family?
Rowan's tagging with Daniel Bryan and Luke Harper's sat in catering.