Hey, this match was actually pretty good!

Hey, this match was actually pretty good!

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They have good chemistry together.
Moxley has overall impressed me in the G1. The only match of his that wasn't that good was the Cobb match.

Cobb has arguably had the worst G1 this year. Something just hasn’t clicked.

Moxley bumps like a little bitch

You're right, it was ***

Is it weird that I liked it more than Goto VS Ishii?

Why does Mox look like he shit himself and he's trying to look cool about it?

Yeah, his only good match was with Ishii.

The Goto VS Ishii matches blur together at this point

I liked it a lot, especially because there were no hardcore spots. Just a classic brawl-out. Mox can hang.

Goto vs Ishii has been done to death

It was eh like nearly everything Deanetty has done in G1

>e drones are still boiling

How long will you Moxdrones keep accusing others of being e-drones when they are telling the truth? He left WWE many months ago,its time to stop.

Nah, it was pretty good.

>he admits that Mox left WWE months ago but he still hasn’t got over it
Oh no no no

I'm pretty sure at this point you anti-Dean fags will never be impressed by anything just so you don't admit you were wrong about him.

The only thing that hasn't got over is him


Why would i be impressed by a guy that had worse matches than everybody excluding maybe Yano?

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Pretending Moxley isn't over in Japan is straight up delusional

>Anti-Mox AND Anti-Yano
>Being a Cobb dicksucker
Holy fucking yikes

You couldn't be more obvious of an e-drone if you tried.

He is less over than whatever gaijin midcarder that wasn't included in G1 you can think off

I'm not anti Yano i just know that his role is to have bad comedy matches,Moxley is not a comedy guy but still put up the worst matches in the tournament on average,Cobb was better than him just by the virtue that he can wrestle,doesn't rely on tables and didn't botch anything.

going threw the crowd in japan always gets the fans hyped it's not him
He's getting the polite gaijin clap but at least they don't hate him like Kenta
also doing the G1 when the last 2 ex wwe guys didn't gained him respect the japesne fans

Have not liked him in the G1 his Offense looked like shit and he can be lazy at times
the only great match he's had imo is the shingo one while the ishii and goto ones were good

Yano vs Ishii was better then anything Cobb/Mox/ or kentahave done and that was a serious match

More like 5 ya seething Edrone bitch

>poster count didn’t go up
Lmao. Ya got thoroughly BTFO and ya resort to samefagging? Pathetic.

Moxley will never have an honest 5 star match.not even if he went against Okada and Ospreay in a triple threat.

The answer is somewhere in the middle of these

I like how you don't even try to hide your preconceived notions that have already been proven wrong

i made the post above about him not being over
Im not the other retard and i liked the goto match

Mox has already had a 5 star match. Ya boil?

Proven wrong? There is a reason why Moxley will be stuck in the midcard in NJ,he can't wrestle and so they gave him the US title and some G1 wins to keep him happy.

>More like 5 ya seething Edrone bitch

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Jesus fuck... how can you edrones defend this shit?

An honest 5 star match that doesn't include AEW bonus,there were many matches in this tournament that were better than Moxley vs Ishii including Shingo vs Ishii that happened just an hour ago.

>mentions AEW for literally no reason whatsoever
Yikes. Absolutely obsessed, ain’t ya?

>he thinks Mox has had a genuine 5 star match
kek pleb

Fuck outta the Chadpan threads hot dog cultist and take that shitter moxley with ya

Goto vs. Ishii 18' was a better match, so I don't blame you

This. Ishii/Goto from G1 28 was legit the third-best match of the tournament.

Was decent but the finish felt too abrupt, especially given how much Mox had been built up.


>durr more good wrasslers in one match means more gooder wrassling

No way. KENTA and Fale have been much, much worse than Cobb.

Yeah, but they're in the shitter block, so we have to give them some leeway. Even if they are shitters themselves.

Fale you don’t expect anything from. Kenta has been okay.

>Kenta has been okay.
He really hasn't. He's botching and gassing out in basically every match now.


That match with Ospreay was downright dangerous, it looked like a CMLL match where the jobber wasn't in the shape he told the booker he was.

Too short. Also the Ishii/Takagi match was just a slower version of the Goto match.