*Wins the G1 and make Naitetty fans seethe in your path*

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holy based

Why was his only good match against Moxley?

The match was great, and so were his matches against Goto and Ishii.

He just had the MOTN against Joose.

>having shit taste

>I am a low IQ virgin
Seethe with the Chadblade

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Why do they always pull this "guy loses his first four matches but then goes on to do super well and be a contender to win it all" almost every year? It's so predictable. Why never allow an "important" guy just have a bad year for whatever reason?

Yeah, I’m thinkin’ we’re back.

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because it's a fookin business brother
nobody will buy tickets to see Jeff Cobb or Moxley going to the final while Jay or Naito is eliminated

Tanahashi, the defending champion and the winner of the last Tokyo Dome main event is going to finish 4W-5L. Sanada, the guy that was predicted 3rd most likely to win the block after Okada and Ibushi was eliminated first from the block.
Its a narrative, if you didnt look at the tournament from an out of kayfabe viewpoint all you would see right now is two guys making a comeback in block B putting them back in contention and a super dominant guy vs someone on a small comeback in block A.

>loses 3 n a row to jobbers
>suddenly goes on a winstreak beating main eventers
can anyone explain the logic behind this?

A beard really does improve any look

he just got a great match against Juice of all people

He lost to CHAOS members, those from the faction he betrayed. It was karmic retribution in story, plus Goto was half-driven to train just to beat Jay, so he was extra-driven.

>loses to CHAOS members
>wins the G1 and dabs on Rocky

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He's more driven after going on a losing streak. Quite simple.

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Okada is winning it all this year.

Do you guys think Jay is a NJPW lifer ?

Probably not. I think he would be a fool if he pigeonholed himself in New Japan for the entirety of his career.

I think he leaves when he's 35 like every other top Gaijin. If love it if he never left but it's not realistic.

Actually looks decent with a beard

*takes steroids*
NOT based. do not encourage this brothers

>leaves Chaos
>beats Chaos leader at WK
>goes into G1 and loses 3 straight matches to Chaos members
>wins G1 so his road to WK is beating all of Chaos before challenging Okada
Come on, New Japan booking is for children man, if you can't understand it you might be literally braindead.

>He lost to CHAOS members, those from the faction he betrayed. It was karmic retribution in story,
Still doesn’t explain how he lost to those shitters
Oh so he didn’t want to win the G1 before and now that he wants to win more he can do it?
Only to job to Okada proving he’s just a geek who needs to cheat to win

I wish this was the story, but Goto winning now means we're probably getting a Naito victory. Plus Naito will be holding the IC title, meaning less for other people to battle for at WK.
Naito will defend the briefcase and IC title against Taichi and Mox at some point during Destruction/Power Struggle/King of Pro-Wrestling.

His match with Shingo was good, what have you been watching?
Even the Taichi one was good, but in a comedic way

It's weird, as I don't see him as a WWE guy either. There's something about him, I dunno, maybe it's the accent or the fact that he'd rather yell or curse, I just don't see him going anywhere else.

Not sure I like the beard, lads. I miss babyface Jay.

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>Still doesn’t explain how he lost to those shitters
Because it was the story, because Goto was extra-motivated to beat him on night 1 and that rattled him the next two nights before he regained his composure.

His match with Ishii was great, and his bout with Goto was better than their first earlier in the year.

No gaijin is a lifer because of the ceiling instilled on them. He’ll be around another 5 years, but after that he’s off to the big leagues.