Lacey is pure and NEVER for sexuals
Wrong. That's all she's good for.
>NEVER for sexuals
>picture with a child she gave birth to after being impregnated via sexual intercourse
what did OP mean by this?
White trash toilet on the porch
marital intercourse for the sole purpose of procreation is based and redpilled
>overgrown plants everywhere
>rundown buildings in the background
>porch seems like its held together by glue
>both mother and daughter look like they haven't washed their hair in days
So this is what the richest country on Earth looks like, huh?
Lacey is for dominating handjobs
All women are for sexuals
Reminder the child was born and conceived outside of wedlock.
Fucking harlot whore bitch cunt.
what am i supposed to be annoyed at here?
explain the outrage
It is, but it's still sexuals.
Some faggots upset over a standard, white trash meal I'd gladly eat. Honestly, any of you guys dated lately? I'm a fucking boomer, and even women my age can't cook for shit. I used to fuck this fat girl here and there who was about ten years younger, and she tried to catch me by making me dinners and they were the worst. A fucking fat girl who can't cook should be considered false advertising and be punishable by law.
>got BEANED, produced a mutt, had the child before getting married
>toilet out on a porch
The only reason why people get worked by this tranny is her gimmick(?), when in reality she's a interracial leather whore who was born in the white trash and still is.
How old are you based boomerposter?
Looks good
Quality pits
Americans were a mistake
>mini oven croissants with their main meal
Do Americans really do this?
>A fucking fat girl who can't cook should be considered false advertising and be punishable by law.
Preach it boomer.
He's probably around 28, no way an actual boomer posts here
I masturbate to her a lot
>toilet on the porch
white trash hoarder LMAO
>never for sexuals
what happens when her daughter turns 12 and wants to hump her?
>low grade, grey gristly piece of meat, clearly not seasoned at all
>shells and cheese from a box
>frozen bag of mixed veggies
fine if you're in college or on a budget but not anything you should take a picture of
Y'all are being too harsh on my girl Lacey, I grew up white trash in Texas and frankly I had a blast. Had a fridge on the porch always filled with Dr. Pepper and freshly laid eggs from our chickens.
Had a cat sleep under our porch and possums would come to our windows and eat birdseed and stare at us.
cities have possums now too desu, i live in philly and those bitches are everywhere
36, too old to post here, but I enjoy it.
>Not even a hint of seasoning anywhere on that plate
I'm so glad that white people will cease to exist.
I live outside of Seattle so when I avoid the city we have squirrels for days. Go in the city and you'll see fucking NYC-size rats running on the sidewalk and in the gutters.
unrelated: I still find it off-putting how much makeup Lacey puts on for her character.
Lacey is white trash filth but has GOAT pits
Sounds comfy. I don't see any problem with 'white trash'
They're happier for the most part. And the white trash girls are the best. Always down to fuck around or go 4wheeling. All their moms are lardos and they will be too if they don't move up in economic status but as a teenager when they're all tits and flat stomache and short jean shorts.
was comfy sempai.
Old toilet on the deck? Lol I am also white trash. We know our own kin
I'm glad she's broken the cycle of addiction and abuse, but damn if she isn't still white trash.